Starting yesterday, my honeypot has been getting a ton of git scans. I normally wouldn't think much of this, but a few weird things are happening:
- All of the IP addresses come from Amazon AWS
- They are all looking for the same two SHA-256 hashes
- They don't appear on any blocklists for .git vulnerability scanning or scanning on TCP/80
- They scan in 10-20 minute intervals, 24/7 starting yesterday
Here is one of the requests: - - [13/Mar/2021:02:50:00 -0500] "GET //.git/objects/d4/76022a4dfadca6614620e5c15a17ae5cf8a80a HTTP/1.1" 404 179 "-" "curl/7.61.1"
What is the deal with this? Why are they searching for a specific hash?
If I was going to scan the internet for open .git folders, I would search for a generic config file for header file, not a random hash.
I don't care much about this traffic, I'm just curious as to why I'm seeing what appears to be almost a coordinated attack.