In the past few days, I have created my own webserver to serve as my sandbox for learning pen-testing. I saw this blog ( and wanted to attempt something similar and build it on my webserver.
This is what I have done so far:
My index.php
page here submits the input and parses the values to my action page: verify_email.php
echo "
<span class='psw'><a href='#' onclick=\"document.getElementById('id04').style.display='block'\">Subscribe To Our Newsletter?</a></span>
<div id='id04' class='fpass-modal'>
<span onclick=\"document.getElementById('id04').style.display='none';\"
class='close-fpass' title='Close Modal'>×</span>
<!-- Modal Content -->
<form class='fpass-modal-content' action='php/verify_email.php' method='post'>
<div class='container4'>
<h1>Subscribe To Our Newsletter</h1>
<p>Join our subscribers list to get the latest news, updates, and special offers delivered directly in your inbox</p>
<input type='text' placeholder='Name' name='name' id='name' onfocus=\"this.value = ''\"
<input type='text' placeholder='Email' name='email' id='email' onfocus=\"this.value = ''\"
<!-- Select language box -->
<div class='custom-select' style='padding: 8px;'>
<select id='language' name='language'>
<option value='0'>Select language:</option>
<option value='english.php'>English</option>
<option value='german.php'>German</option>
<a href='#' onclick=\"document.getElementById('id04').style.display='none';\" class='backtologin'>No, thank you</a>
<div class='clearfix'>
<button type='submit' class='fpassbtn'>Subscribe</button>
The action page then uses SendGrip to automatically send an email to the submitted email for the user to verify his/her email using the included link. (something like this:)
if ($language == "english.php") {
$output='<p>Dear '.$name.',</p>';
$output.='<p>Please click on the following link to verify your email.</p>';
$output.='<p><a href="'.$verify_code.'&email='.$email.'&language='.$language.'&action=verify" target="_blank">'.$verify_code.'&email='.$email.'&language='.$language.'&action=verify</a></p>';
$output.='<p>Please be sure to copy the entire link into your browser.
The link will expire after 1 day for security reason.</p>';
$output.='<p>If you did not request this newsletter subscription, no action
is needed, your account will not be subscribed to our newsletter.</p>';
$output.='<p>For further enquiries, please reply to [email protected]</p>';
$output.='<p>Example Team</p>';
$body = $output;
$subject = "Email Verification";
if ($language == "german.php") {
$output='<p>Lieber '.$name.',</p>';
$output.='<p>Bitte klicken Sie auf den folgenden Link, um Ihre E-Mail zu bestätigen.</p>';
$output.='<p><a href="'.$verify_code.'&email='.$email.'&language='.$language.'&action=verify" target="_blank">'.$verify_code.'&email='.$email.'&language='.$language.'&action=verify</a></p>';
(sorry, I cannot expose the full codes for this part)
Based on this link, I included the language
field which can be either english.php
or german.php
depending on what the user selected in the form previously. Based on this field, the browser will display a page of that language to the user.
include 'connect.php';
include 'validation.php';
echo $_GET["key"];
echo $_GET["email"];
echo $_GET["language"];
echo $_GET["action"];
$language = $_GET["language"];
include '/var/www/webdav/php/' . $language;
My english.php page:
if (isset($_GET["key"]) && isset($_GET["email"]) && isset($_GET["language"]) && isset($_GET["action"])
&& ($_GET["action"]=="verify")){
$key = $_GET["key"];
$email = $_GET["email"];
$curDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$query = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM `subscribers` WHERE `verify_code`=:key and `email`=:email;");
$row =$query->rowCount();
if ($row=="") {
$error .= '<h2>Invalid Link</h2>
<p>The link is invalid/expired. Either you did not copy the correct link
from the email, or you have already used the key in which case it is
<p><a href="">
Click here</a> to reset password.</p>';
$reset = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$expDate = $reset['expDate'];
echo "expDate is ".$expDate;
if ($expDate >= $curDate){
$curDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
echo "<div class='error'>".$error."</div><br />";
$query = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE `subscribers` SET `is_verified`=1, `modified`=:modified WHERE `verify_code`=:verify_code;");
if ($result) {
echo "UPDATE OK<br>";
echo ("UPDATE Failed<br>");
echo '<div class="error"><p>Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter!</p>
<p><a href="http://localhost/cbch/mp/index.php">
Click here</a> to Login.</p></div><br />';
$error .= "<h2>Link Expired</h2>
<p>The link is expired. You are trying to use the expired link which
as valid only 24 hours (1 days after request).<br /><br /></p>";
echo "<div class='error'>".$error."</div><br />";
} // isset email key validate end
Based on this, I tried doing something like
which should theoretically display the access.log page. However, I seem to be getting a blank page instead.
Any help would be appreciated! (PS. Sorry for making you read through this ton of codes)