I've seen conflicting opinions on this, more than the below, but i.e.
Safe: https://cybersecuritymagazine.com/8-reasons-to-use-google-password-manager/
Also this older question, closed as unfocused, and basically answered as "it depends": Is it safe to store passwords in a Browser?
So I'm specifically asking about Google Chrome (v92.0.4515.159, released 2021-08-19) running on MacOS (v11.3, released 2021-04-26) without any configuration changes (Chrome default settings for its password manager)
EDIT: There's also this much older question: Password management in Firefox, Chrome and Safari but given it's 8 years old, I think an updated/modern answer (and specific to the OS/Browser) is still a valid question - open to deleting if community finds it duplicate/not answerable though)