For personal learning I'm developing a webapp (PHP+MySQL) with login procedure as described in this article. I'm using two (pseudo)tables for validation:
id | username | password_hashed
id | username | session_id | session_token_hashed | session_expired
TLDR: How random/cryptographically secure do the session_id and session_token have to be, given that the session_token will be regenerated on every revisit and invalidated on first invalid try?
Long explanation
For sake of the question the following can be assumed:
- Yes I am aware that any 'stay logged in' feature is inherently a potential security breach by itself because people
- Password and session_token are stored using php's password_hash() and validated using password_verify()
- User periodically has to re-enter password, practically expiring any previous sessions
- When user actively logs out, resets password, or does any other manual interaction, any session is invalidated
- Cookies are stored with parameters Secure and HttpOnly
- Credentials are only handled via HTML forms, PHP and cookies, not using any JS
- Cookie values are retrieved on page load via $_COOKIE
- Session_id is unique in the whole table
Rough login procedure:
- User logs in with credentials, validating according [users] table
- Create random session_id (static to identify browser) and random session_token, store in cookie and database
- User closes browser (not logging out)
- User revisits website
- Check if session_id and session_token are a match
- If so, generate new session_token and store in cookie & database
- If not, force logout user and invalidate session (notify user via email of cookie infringement)
What I don't understand: With this method you are basically 'faking' a username/password validation because the method is the same; you store a username (session_id) and a password (session_token) in a database and verify to grand access.
The 'only' difference is that username is unique for each browser, password is regenerated every visit and there is a one shot chance (because the session is invalidated on the first non-matching id/token) of 1 in 2128 (or roughly 1 in 10.000 billion billion, also see this answer) to 'guess' the token for a given session_id.
Is this assumption correct? If so, why is this considered a secure method to keep users logged in?
Concern: If the cookie gets stolen, the proposed scheme of refreshing the token on every login doesn't provide any additional protection since the attacker simply uses the token to fake a login and gains full account access anyways.
Is this a valid concern? Besides the option to check if the (now stolen) token has already been used, are there any other benefits of rerolling the token on re-visit? Reading this answer and this answer, it comes across that cookies in themselves are inherently insecure.
Question: In what scenario does it really matter to use a cryptographically secure string (e.g. using bin2hex(random_bytes(16))) over just a random string (e.g. foobar_42, or 32x rand(0,9), or MD5($currentDateTime))?