My university is keen to build a security training simulation environment/platform and it will be a good learning experience for students. I Googled around to find out how it is built, but I only ended up with recommendations for a VirtualBox or VMWare lab environment been built using pwnOS, Metasploitable, etc...
What I'm looking for is to build an environment with a couple of vulnerable systems and network setup such that that students won't cross/interfere each other's work. For instance, the system could create a private simulation for each student to practice their class labs, I think some refer this as 'sandboxing'.
We are looking for something similar to Offensive Security training simulation or Hera Labs, another example is XNET from CERT, they have a very interesting training simulation for Forensics.
If you could give us some direction on how the system is actually built and if there any open source application that we could use to build the system, otherwise an organization who can build it for us (keep in mind this is university budget) we would really appreciate your kind input.
We are aware that Offensive Security offers this service but I need to get quotes from different vendors before can I proceed (at the end I prefer to build the system and might as well give it as project for the security lab students)
We are also aware it may require a couple of servers and OSs to build it, and we do have unused hardware.
Thank you and Happy New Year