In the eighth episode of the second series of Mr. Robot, Trenton does this to the video that was recorded by a VHS camera before releasing it to the public via Vimeo.

ffmpeg -i fuxFBI.mp4 -map 0 -map_metadata 0:s:0 -c copy fuxFBI.mp4

From what I gathered from man ffmpeg, the command copies the metadata from the first stream of the input file, most likely a video stream, to the global metadata of the output file. One noticeable effect of this command is that it stripped the output file of handler_name : SoundHandler and the major_brand tag. From the operational / forensic point of view, what advantage does the execution of this command give to her and to her crew of hackers?

1 Answer 1


From the operational / forensic point of view, what advantage does the execution of this command give to her and to her crew of hackers?

Nothing. At least they ran an actual [UNIX] command vs. many movies which continue to show made up UI full of gibberish. Normal forensics tries not to modify the source data as possible (researches usually use byte-perfect imaging to work with data) as any modifications may lead to various clues getting lost.

My personal favorite is the Matrix Reloaded movie nmap/sshnuke were used - that was as close to reality as possible.

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