For example, let's say my backend address is
, and I have a mobile application. This application sends requests to
. The application employs SSL pinning, where it pins the certificate it easily obtained from Is this really secure? If someone notices that my application is making requests to
, they could obtain the site's certificate just like I did, either through a web browser or via different websites.
What's the magical thing that prevents a malicious actor from obtaining the certificate from
Thanks(@dave_thompson_085, @ThoriumBR) for valuable answers. I needed to add questions based on yours.
My expectation was as follows:
Let's consider that our server (
) has an API endpoint at
, and our mobile application sends requests to this endpoint. The mobile app pins the certificate for security, ensuring that no one can intercept the data exchanged in the requests and responses. As a result, only I can consume the resources behind the DoSomethingImportant
function on our server.
At this point, what is the role of the 'private key'? Do I need to use it within the mobile application?