Assuming that's the whole policy (without follow-up restrictions for specific content types), there is no real-world benefit to the site owner or users. At best, they are deluding themselves. At worst, they are making themselves a target.
That content security policy appears to only exist for the sake of passing an extremely stupid checkbox-based "security" requirement. It is definitely not adding any security; even without the wildcard, it is allowing anything that an attacker could possibly want to do, so it really doesn't matter if it is in fact preventing some things (insecure websockets, I guess?). If the developer thinks it protects them at all - because the scanner marked it as good, for example - then they have literally lulled themselves into a false sense of security.
In fact, I'd argue that a policy like that is at least a major warning sign; while you might think "at least it shows that they care about security at all", in my opinion it shows the opposite. Somebody put in effort to create that non-policy, indicating (to my mind) a lower than baseline level of caring about security. Rather, they only care about appeasing some (extremely stupid) checklist, probably an automated scanner. Imagine you go to some site that handles money, and instead of having some generic statement about security, they specifically told you that they use the "ROT13 cipher"; wouldn't this lower your overall opinion of their security from the baseline?
Since this is the sort of policy that any half-competent security engineer would flag as broken, the site is effectively telling the world "Hey, nobody who can tell web security from a hole in the ground has ever looked at this site!". That is potentially a very interesting fact to any would-be attackers. Since clearly neither the developers nor whatever security auditing tool they are using are any good at their job (at least w.r.t. security), there's probably lots of other gaps in their protection, and likely some of those are actually exploitable. It's effectively a "kick me" sign to anybody who notices.