I looked at the documentation for cpe Naming Specification Version 2.3


Specification says, "*" or "-" is explained as "ANY" or "NA". ( Summary of algorithm)

But the "?" is simply a special character that can be handled by other CPE specifications. It appears that "?", "??" can be used (5.3.2 Restrictions on attribute-value strings).

I wonder if this has the same meaning as regular expressions. Then I wonder why they didn't write that down in the specification document.

1 Answer 1


Yes, from its use in the document, it is clear that both * and ? are used in their regular expression meanings.

My guess as to why they do not explicitly say this is that the use in this way is not a part of this spec, which is why they say it is for "other" specifications (i.e. regex and similar parsing schemes).

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