In the QUIC spec, they've provided an example of header protection:
They've got the following process (paraphrasing):
hp = c206b8d9b9f0f37644430b490eeaa314
sample = d1b1c98dd7689fb8ec11d242b123dc9b
mask = AES-ECB(hp, sample)[0..4]
= 437b9aec36
But, when I try to replicate it (e.g.):
echo 'd1b1c98dd7689fb8ec11d242b123dc9b' | xxd -r -p - sample # Convert hex to file
openssl enc -aes-128-ecb -in sample -out outfile -K c206b8d9b9f0f37644430b490eeaa314 -e -nopad
head -c 5 outfile | xxd
I get 165287d918. I've tried 3 different AES-128 ECB implementations (i.e. 2 in C, one in Javascript) - always the same result.
I must be getting something wrong, but it's such a straightforward task that I can't imagine what.