I am giving the following (masked) BTC Private Key:
What I can tell you is that the key above has 3 incorrect characters in it at different random spots. The incorrect 3 characters can be either the same letter or different, in both UPPER or lowercase.
But let's assume all 3 chars are the same letter in the same case (eg. A A A)
The alphabet has 26 letters with each having both uppercase and lowercase forms.
Considering that, we also know that the key is 52-char long.
What are the chances of someone cracking the key and successfully find the correct letters missing in it?
What calculations and permutations do we have to do ?
26x26x26...x26 , 52 times ?
If the exact location of the incorrect letters was known, I guess the calculations were much easier.
But in this case, the exact locations are secret because I try to understand how many permutations/chances are required to do, to find them.
How is it done? Is it even possible to crack the incorrect 3 missing letters or not?