
Last month, I noticed a bunch of CSP enforcement block actions against https://vacceedpasian.com/conversion.js, and I'm curious if anyone knows what this is.

We have implemented Content Security Policy intended to prevent arbitrary, uknown, or unauthorized scripts from running, and I frequently see block actions for things like the well-known JavaScript injected by in-app browsers (e.g. https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/pcm.js). I also generally see a bit of "noise" that I will investigate on a case-by-case basis. About a month ago, I started noticing an increasing number of enforcement block actions against https://vacceedpasian.com/conversion.js. It's now risen well above the "noise floor", so it's important to me to know where it's coming from in the interest of our users' privacy and security.

So far, I have been unable to determine much. I haven't seen any traffic or articles about it anywhere that I monitor for threat intelligence. By virtue of it's name, I would GUESS it's injected by any of several browser extensions that serve ads and/or track user behavior, but I'd like to know.

Here are a few things I do know:

They appear to be coming from Chrome browsers running on both Windows and macOS. I haven't seen reports from other browsers or operating systems so far.

The domain "vacceedpasian.com" was registered, privately, through Key-Systems GmbH on July 12 - so it's a relatively new domain, and whois won't be able to show who registered it.

Tracing the route to https://vacceedpasian.com shows it being hosted (or at least gatewayed) by Amazon CloudFront and EC2, in Ashburn and Boardman.

When I attempt to download the JavaScript file itself, I get a 400 error from nginx/cloudfront, which is unfortunate, but neither surprising nor meaningful to me.

That's about it, at this point.

Anyone know what this one is? Any suggestions where else I could look for privacy "threat" intelligence on the topic of sources of injected JavaScript other than XSS?

  • Unfortunately, this is outside of our scope.
    – schroeder
    Commented Sep 5 at 17:02
  • @schroeder - I probably should have framed it more solidly in the context of "Web App Hardening" and "Risk Mitigation", both listed in the Help Center. At the end of the day, "someone" is attempting to execute this arbitrary JavaScript on my site; without my site's CSP, they would have been successful, and could have, for instance, seen passwords and other private information submitted into forms. I'd like to know who that is/why that is. If there is a "Threat Intelligence" Stack Exchange, it might be a better fit, but until there is, please reconsider this as on-topic. Commented Sep 6 at 15:06
  • This simply isn't on topic. If it is a malicious domain, it won't last long, which means the question will die on the vine. If it is not malicious, then it isn't a security issue. You are correct that you need threat intel on this domain, but this isn't the place for that.
    – schroeder
    Commented Sep 6 at 15:10


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