So a page on my site (it's a PHP page that displays newsletter articles) was vulnerable to SQL injection and got hit. I discovered it because it was doing enough database queries to cause the CPU load to spike on the database server. I found at least some of the IP addresses that were doing it from my Apache logs and blocked them in the firewall, and I at least kind of hardened the page. What I'm trying to determine is exactly what queries they were running, they obscured/escaped stuff pretty well. This is the query string I'm finding in the Apache logs:
?id=742%2F--%2F%2F!30000and(select%2F--%2F1%2F--%2Ffrom(select%2F--%2Fcount()%2Cconcat((select%2F--%2F(select%2F--%2F(select%2F--%2Fconcat(0x27%2C0x7e%2Cunhex(Hex( cast( 0)2))x%2F--%2Ffrom%2F--%2Finformation_schema.tables%2F--%2Fgroup%2F--%2Fby%2F--%2Fx)a)%2F--%2Fand%2F--%2F1%3D1%2F
This is what the database was showing for running queries:
select title from newsletter_articles where article_id = 2010/--//!30000and(select/--/1/--/from(select/--/count(),concat((select/--/(select/--/(select/--/concat(0x27,0x7e,unhex(Hex(cast(,0x27,0x7e)/--/from/--/email.sbamail/--/limit/--/119488,1)/--/)/--/from/--/information_schema.tables/--/limit/--/0,1),floor(rand(0)2))x/--/from/--/information_schema.tables/--/group/--/by/--/x)a)/--/and/--/1=1/
(both of those repeated Ad nauseam with minor parameter changes) When I tried pasting that query back into MySQL I get a syntax error.
When I actually paste that query string on the affected page (before I patched it), it simply displays this:
Duplicate entry ''[email protected]'~1' for key 'group_key'
The "Duplicate entry" bit is what really has me worried. I initially thought they were just after email addresses(there are no passwords stored in this database, fortunately); it's happened before on other pages and all I can see are "select" statements, but if they were able to insert/update/delete that's much worse news. How can I unescape/decode what they were doing? Should I be panicking and looking at restoring the database from backup?
The page in question is on a pretty basic LAMP stack, if that's relevant at all. No framework or anything.