Much of the reason for EverCookie is that disabling Javascript and cookies does not prevent you from being tracked. Actually, even if you could protect against EverCookie, it doesn't solve the problem of HTTP referencing (via iframes, imgs etc) nor browser fingerprinting (although using TOR may help). If you're seeking to drop off the map, then most of the things you do to obscure your identity actually make your sessions stand out as unusual (although it's harder to link the session to your identity). It's pretty much the same as using an internet cafe with a bag over your head.
I don't like the idea of someone putting something on my machine that can track my browsing habits
Like a browser? Even in anonymous mode, it's possible to reconstruct a lot of your online activity.
Building a new virual machine doesn't change your IP address (TOR does). But if you use the same virtual machine image or configuration then you'll generate the same browser fingerprint.
There's a good reason why guns have serial numbers and cars have licence plates. I suspect that what you don't want is for someone to abuse the information available about your browsing habits - which is a very different question. Despite the wealth of tools to obscure your identity there's very little available to protect your privacy. And it's a question that really more people should be asking.