iOS version 5 and newer has a setting for VPNs to "Send All Traffic" over that VPN. I think that sending all data to a trusted VPN target would ensure privacy of all communication sent over that WiFi link, and also prevent disclosure of HTTP cookies.
- How effective or reliable is that setting in protecting a user's traffic over wifi?
I'm concerned not only about all data being captured and redirected over VPN, but also denying everything including DNS lookups (or limit them) prior to the VPN even being established.
My intuition tells me that since a VPN host name needs to be resolved over DNS, there are exceptions to the checkbox "Send ALL Data".
What applications, APIs, or services are exempt from the "Send All Data" setting in VPN?
Can the DNS name be spoofed for hosts that are expected to be protected over the VPN profile?
"IT Security Stack Exchange is for Information Security professionals to discuss protecting assets from threats and vulnerabilities."
makes this on topic in my mind. @Adnan"assets from threats and vulnerabilities"
is completely legitimate and on-topic. Asking how a very specific option "Send All Traffic to VPN" in an operating system (iOS in this case) is off-topic. To make things even more off-topic, you're asking about a largely undocumented behaviour, especially the part about which APIs and applications bypass that option. Just because the question has security implications, doesn't make it on topic.