Are there any reliable resources for finding whether or not a Metasploit exploit exists for a given CVE?
I have found CVE Details to be woefully out of date with regards to keeping this information up to date.
Are there any reliable resources for finding whether or not a Metasploit exploit exists for a given CVE?
I have found CVE Details to be woefully out of date with regards to keeping this information up to date.
The most reliable source, is probably Metasploit's vulnerability & exploits DB - But some alternate sources do exist:
You can use Exploit-DB search to search by CVE exploits by "metasploit" e.g.:
You can use to search by CVE e.g.:[vuln_title]=&search[text_type]=titles&search[s_date]=&search[e_date]=&search[refid]=[CVE]&search[referencetypes]=CVEID&search[vendors]=&search[cvss_score_from]=&search[cvss_score_to]=&search[cvss_av]=*&search[cvss_ac]=*&search[cvss_a]=*&search[cvss_ci]=*&search[cvss_ii]=*&search[cvss_ai]=*&kthx=search
and check the references section for a Metasploit URL.
It's worth noting that both those sources are usually a day or two behind the Metasploit repo.