This tool requires physical access of course, and there are many things you can do once you have physical access, but this peaked my curiosity.
The tool in question:
Obviously the magic to this piece of hardware is what's contained on it, and if that is true, any usb key could be used to accomplish the same job. I know there are software like Katana and the like that can do similar things.
My question is, does anyone know what this could be running to make this happen? Is it rubber ducky-like ( or something else?
I'm a security professional and penetration tester by trade, but no administrative windows expert and most of my work is done remotely, so I put this out to the on-site guys and the windows experts.
I'm not looking to knock off the product, in fact, I think quite the opposite, its a cool piece of kit and may purchase one for kicks. Just curious if anyone knows whats going on behind the curtain.