I have just realized, that my web application is sending unencrypted passwords from login form. It's just like that -- I've analysed, that string sent by user from login form is hashed with MD5 (which is wrong itself -- but that's a different story) on server-side and compared after that (passwords in DB are hashed).
I have raised the issue in my internal issue tracker, that this should be replaced with using Javascript lib to hash password directly in login form, so it would never be sent in plaintext . I have immediately received a comment from one of our developers, that this is wrong, because it requires user to have Javascript enabled. And, that problem should be solved by using HTTPS, not by hashing passwords at client-side.
I have my personal opinion about all this "it require Javascript to be enabled" crap, which is not important at this point. But, I'd like to get a clear answer, which one of us is wrong. Is it really forcing user to enable Javascript a bigger sin, than sending his/her password plain to the server? And what about situation, when my application will be run on HTTP, not HTTPS server (for many reasons)?