A colleague suggested to me just to prevent letter characters from occurring immediately after an opening angle bracket as a way to protect against XSS and HTML injection.

Obviously, this doesn't prevent issues such as:

<img src="%injectable%" />

But I can't think of a way around his suggestion.

Is it really that simple?

  • Could you be more specific about either the context & the type of XSS you're thinking of? Otherwise I'd say it's a pretty moot protection overall.
    – Dillinur
    Commented Nov 7, 2014 at 10:37
  • 4
    What language or platform are you using? Usually the templating system you are using has an XSS filter.
    – rook
    Commented Nov 7, 2014 at 15:01
  • What is the exact suggestion? Just ban /<[a-z]/i ? In which context would it be run? As you show, if the attacker is able to inject content inside a tag (or a <script>, <style>… ) you are still vulnerable, so I don't understand you statement that you "can't think of a way around his suggestion" while showing a counter-example at the same time.
    – Ángel
    Commented Nov 8, 2014 at 1:21

2 Answers 2


I think your example describes exactly why it isn't that simple. There are many forms of XSS, and quite a few of them don't rely on attackers injecting entire tags at all.

What Rook was getting at in his comment is that you should generally rely on a good existing XSS filter to deal with the threat rather than trying to piece one together your own, as your colleague seems to suggest.


White-listing the characters is always the best practice instead of black-listing special characters. I had seen the same thing with one of the apps I was assessing. So, I found an input parameter which showed in response at three different places. One of which was inside " " in a-tags. No wonder, XSS was easy there. And yes, already mentioned, many of the payloads don't have to use tags at all.

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