I've tried to do the same as found in How to you manually decrypt a SOAP message using openssl?

Unfortunatly without success... Here is my situation : I'm trying to do the same stuff only my data is slightly different :

 <xenc:EncryptedKey xmlns:xenc="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#" Id="EK-a976c8a8-a6b7-4225-b6fc-e42390c62e5f">    
      <xenc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#rsa-oaep-mgf1p"/>    
      <ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">    
        <wsse:SecurityTokenReference xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd">    
          <wsse:KeyIdentifier EncodingType="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-soap-message-security-1.0#Base64Binary" ValueType="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-x509-token-profile-1.0#X509SubjectKeyIdentifier">mtqvpfcMviptZakL3P7rflMzR3g=</wsse:KeyIdentifier>    
    <xenc:ReferenceList xmlns:xenc="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#">    
      <xenc:DataReference URI="#ED-7d85b663-7237-47f0-9637-0a2496cd8bb6"/>    
    <xenc:EncryptedData xmlns:xenc="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#" Id="ED-7d85b663-7237-47f0-9637-0a2496cd8bb6" Type="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#Element">    
      <xenc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#aes256-cbc"/>    
      <ds:KeyInfo xmlns:ds="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">    
        <wsse:SecurityTokenReference xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" xmlns:wsse11="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/oasis-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.1.xsd" wsse11:TokenType="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/oasis-wss-soap-message-security-1.1#EncryptedKey">    
          <wsse:Reference URI="#EK-a976c8a8-a6b7-4225-b6fc-e42390c62e5f"/>    

This is part of a soap envelope sent from a client WebService to a SecurityTokenService. I expect this to contain a UsernameToken but I'd like to be sure and check the structure of the ciphered data.

First of all I was curious to see what was the value of "mtqvpfcMviptZakL3P7rflMzR3g=" in EncryptedKey/SecurityTokenReference/KeyIdentifier So I tried to follow the same procedure than @BazzaDP (in the refered post):

  1. decoding the base64 to a file

    echo "mtqvpfcMviptZakL3P7rflMzR3g=" | base64 -d -i > subjectKeyIdentifier.decoded

  2. decrypt the data with the private key of the STS :

    openssl rsautl -decrypt -in subjectKeyIdentifier.decoded -out subjectKeyIdentifier.decrypted  -inkey ../idpsts-pK.pem
    Enter pass phrase for ../idpsts-pK.pem:
    RSA operation error
    140242236282536:error:0407106B:rsa routines:RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_type_2:block type is not 02:rsa_pk1.c:190:
    140242236282536:error:04065072:rsa routines:RSA_EAY_PRIVATE_DECRYPT:padding check failed:rsa_eay.c:616:
  3. considering the . I tried adding the -oaep padding parameter without success

    openssl rsautl -decrypt -in subjectKeyIdentifier.decoded -out subjectKeyIdentifier.decrypted -oaep -inkey ../idpsts-pK.pem
    Enter pass phrase for ../idpsts-pK.pem:
    RSA operation error
    140724669945512:error:0407A079:rsa routines:RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_OAEP:oaep decoding error:rsa_oaep.c:181:
    140724669945512:error:04065072:rsa routines:RSA_EAY_PRIVATE_DECRYPT:padding check failed:rsa_eay.c:616:

Giving up I tried to decrypt at least the EncryptedData/CipherData/CipherValue using the same procdure than @BazzaDP but it didn't work either.

Does somebody know what I'm doing wrong ? Thanks

===========EDIT : Dave Explains upper work is useless: trying to decrypt a hash =======

I generated some new exchanges of data with some fake certificates so I can exchange all my content for debbuging purpose.

Her is what I did. Actually the same as BazzaDP in the other post. Only for decrypting the SessionKey I added the "-oaep" 'padding' to the openssl command. Nevertheless I can't get through the process...

  1. Base64 decoding of the session key :
echo "Pfk3yVFoiGnO9DEWQzuDmB32dnZ1xSyVQnl9NK6I/Vfj5zhiEjFA1uHYFKrJr8w+BjLjtUg7q7mUzctycIdXZ/RNtegLa4tyIKouoyWp5zJaZuEbfqwCbjy0QDEjYto8RJmC3rjlhHPjYt1nY6f6OBdkXoa0P1kkAKMrwp2tAHw=" | base64 -i -d > key/key.bin
  1. decrypting the sessionkey :
openssl rsautl -decrypt -in key/key.bin -out key/key.dec -aoep -inkey idpsts-pK.pem
  1. Base64 decoding of the data :
echo "rnUUUmey/lFhxHHRJhVeJCrS3J3UPz12fZ7+selkTdVwYSjcZK+kIUFhypuWx4W900LBGuwQPVI8g/EwsXcUzb7wfMkYjx6dcQt0wmLJGbFs+wERjCR78qgVF0RB10SKZvmKT1Q5mM+9fJZU+o9tTkwdxvDkjio9I6GnqmoqPy62fl1J7GjqGlRiqSkJx/k+ERlCrJUcMCc0KplBHJXnyhaE90hHDXr1JL4o6+o0klmStW87aurpzuewK9VB6RhWU8grKrNunUvS9H5dxWyGSfHW0/fIth4v/hRwg0vWfFNcGYXBSzYaKd+fNmWfj4/pCDuuVQpn6i9zGe8kcNtNx2AG0MUGPUarn1WabQJyRy0d6/va2aySKjo2l8keluPKf6iS1rzD1s1wVGQi2PrRuA==" | base64 -d -i > data/data.enc
  1. Obtaining the sessionkey in hexadecimal :
xxd -p key/key.dec 
  1. Obtaining the data as hexadecimal to extract the first 16 bits as the IV :
hexdump -C data/data.enc 
00000000  ae 75 14 52 67 b2 fe 51  61 c4 71 d1 26 15 5e 24  |.u.Rg..Qa.q.&.^$|
00000010  2a d2 dc 9d d4 3f 3d 76  7d 9e fe b1 e9 64 4d d5  |*....?=v}....dM.|
00000020  70 61 28 dc 64 af a4 21  41 61 ca 9b 96 c7 85 bd  |pa(.d..!Aa......|
00000030  d3 42 c1 1a ec 10 3d 52  3c 83 f1 30 b1 77 14 cd  |.B....=R|
00000090  11 19 42 ac 95 1c 30 27  34 2a 99 41 1c 95 e7 ca  |..B...0'4*.A....|
000000a0  16 84 f7 48 47 0d 7a f5  24 be 28 eb ea 34 92 59  |...HG.z.$.(..4.Y|
000000b0  92 b5 6f 3b 6a ea e9 ce  e7 b0 2b d5 41 e9 18 56  |..o;j.....+.A..V|
000000c0  53 c8 2b 2a b3 6e 9d 4b  d2 f4 7e 5d c5 6c 86 49  |S.+*.n.K..~].l.I|
000000d0  f1 d6 d3 f7 c8 b6 1e 2f  fe 14 70 83 4b d6 7c 53  |......./..p.K.|S|
000000e0  5c 19 85 c1 4b 36 1a 29  df 9f 36 65 9f 8f 8f e9  |\...K6.)..6e....|
000000f0  08 3b ae 55 0a 67 ea 2f  73 19 ef 24 70 db 4d c7  |.;.U.g./s..$p.M.|
00000100  60 06 d0 c5 06 3d 46 ab  9f 55 9a 6d 02 72 47 2d  |`....=F..U.m.rG-|
00000110  1d eb fb da d9 ac 92 2a  3a 36 97 c9 1e 96 e3 ca  |.......*:6......|
00000120  7f a8 92 d6 bc c3 d6 cd  70 54 64 22 d8 fa d1 b8  |........pTd"....|
  1. The unsuccessful atempt to decipher the data :
openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in data/data.enc -K a8abcd783445c8db00d1ae8332439930ff1875700bec098fa3493439edad114a -iv ae75145267b2fe51 -out data/data.dec
bad decrypt
140050628507304:error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:bad decrypt:evp_enc.c:546:

The private key I used with the password : "idpsts"

  • X509SubjectKeyIdentifier is a hash that identifies the recipient (RSA) key. It is not encrypted so you can't decrypt it, and is not the key anyway. You want to de-base64 and RSA-OAEP decrypt (with the correct RSA key) EncryptedKey.CipherKey, then use that result to (AES) decrypt EncryptedData.CipherData. Dec 21, 2014 at 18:43
  • Thanks, for your help Dave. Its good to know I am loosing my time with a hash. Know I can carry on further. You can see in my edit that a made an unsuccessful try in decrypting the data.
    – Dom
    Dec 25, 2014 at 0:39

1 Answer 1


The additional (and corrected) data in your edit allowed me to get the last bit. Your first two steps, de-base64 and RSA-OAEP decrypt the working key, are now correct except a typo -aeop should be -oaep.

Data decryption didn't quite work because as Tom Leek says in the linked item (but I missed the first time) XMLenc block cipher does NOT use PKCS7 padding as OpenSSL does.

This makes your job a little harder. For your 5 and 6 substitute:

  • decrypt the data (plus IV and padding) as CBC but with -nopad:
     openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -nopad -in data.enc -K (key_hex) -iv (any_hex) -out data.dec
      # since we leave the IV in the ciphertext you don't need to specify it with -iv
      # but you do need some value of the correct length = 16 bytes for AES, I use all 00s
  • hexdump the result (data.dec) or otherwise look at the bytes with your own program or something like perl. Skip or discard the first 16 bytes (for AES, 8 for TDES) which are the "decrypted IV" (meaningless), and the last N bytes where N is the value of the last byte. For your data, this is: 00000000 9155_38fc eaac_e929 430d_fd96 fe07_46f2 .U8....) C.....F. 00000010 3c77_7373 653a_5573 6572_6e61 6d65_546f <wsse:Us ernameTo 00000020 6b65_6e20 7773_753a 4964_3d22 5573_6572 ken wsu: Id="User 00000030 6e61_6d65 546f_6b65 6e2d_6664 3338_6364 nameToke n-fd38cd 00000040 3964_2d62 3562_342d 3432_3438 2d61_6661 9d-b5b4- 4248-afa 00000050 362d_3338 6233_3664 3137_6132 3661_223e 6-38b36d 17a26a"> 00000060 3c77_7373 653a_5573 6572_6e61 6d65_3e61 <wsse:Us ername>a 00000070 6c69_6365 3c2f_7773 7365_3a55 7365_726e lice</ws se:Usern 00000080 616d_653e 3c77_7373 653a_5061 7373_776f ame><wss e:Passwo 00000090 7264_2054 7970_653d 2268_7474 703a_2f2f rd Type= "http:// 000000a0 646f_6373 2e6f_6173 6973_2d6f 7065_6e2e docs.oas is-open. 000000b0 6f72_672f 7773_732f 3230_3034 2f30_312f org/wss/ 2004/01/ 000000c0 6f61_7369 732d_3230 3034_3031 2d77_7373 oasis-20 0401-wss 000000d0 2d75_7365 726e_616d 652d_746f 6b65_6e2d -usernam e-token- 000000e0 7072_6f66 696c_652d 312e_3023 5061_7373 profile- 1.0#Pass 000000f0 776f_7264 5465_7874 223e_636c 6172_696e wordText ">clarin 00000100 6574_3c2f 7773_7365 3a50_6173 7377_6f72 et</wsse :Passwor 00000110 643e_3c2f 7773_7365 3a55_7365 726e_616d d></wsse :Usernam 00000120 6554_6f6b 656e_3e2c bf85_db5b 201d_bb09 eToken>, ...[ ...

    Skip bytes 0..F, and also 130- 09 =127..12F. That leaves data that begins <wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id= and ends </wsse:UsernameToken> -- which is wellformed XML with content one would want to encrypt! Hurrah!

Some Unix shell scripting with dd can be used to pull out the good data, but clunkily. As long as the data fits in memory perl can read the whole file and then substring the good part https://stackoverflow.com/questions/953707/in-perl-how-can-i-read-an-entire-file-into-a-string . There may be other options.

  • Dave, Thank you so much for the Christmas answer ! The whole padding stuff is still obscure to me. I have to find some book to get wiser.Thanks for your guru insight.
    – Dom
    Dec 26, 2014 at 23:05

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