There is no known property of the first/last/middle/whatev 60 bits of a SHA-256 output that would make them more/less "randomish" than the last/whatev/middle/first 60 bits. In other words, you could take the first 60 bits, and that will be as fine as you can get.
With such a random generation, you can indeed expect the first collisions to appear after one billion or so (230) IDs have been accumulated. Even if you get your first collision at that point, collisions will still remain a rare event. With 60-bit IDs, when you have, say, 235 of them (that's more than thirty billions), then only one in 225 of new IDs will collide with an existing one (so this would still happen less than once in 30 millions of cases). If you have a database and can tolerate the occasional but quite rare collision, then random generation of the 60-bit ID is the way to go.
(Or, said otherwise, if you get collisions often, then this means that you have already gathered a huge number of IDs, and your central database must be of biblical proportions.)
If you want more uniqueness than that, then you need some sort of central ID generator. For instance, there is a central server that can be interrogated, and returns the next value of a counter. The server always increases the counter value after being interrogated, so it never returns twice the same value. The server won't run out of 60-bit integers before a long time, because, let's face it, 260 is still huge.
Now comes the hard part, which is the one you did not talk about: must the IDs be unpredictable ? This is not an easy question; it depends on what you do with them and, basically, everything in your system. If you need unpredictable IDs, then a central counter will not work, because everybody can obtain an ID value and predict the next one with 100% accuracy. The usual solution, in that case, would be to still have a counter, but to encrypt the successive values with a block cipher whose block size is identical to that of the ID. Here you would need a block cipher with 60-bit blocks -- this can be built out of a block cipher with slightly larger blocks, e.g. 3DES (64-bit blocks). This makes sense, though, only in the context of a central ID generator.
If you must allow ID generation from several "client" machines without having them talk together or with some central system, then you will have to rely on randomness and tolerate the few occasional collisions (that will be quite rare for a long time). If you need unpredictability, then use a cryptographically secure PRNG. Depending on your operating system and programming framework, this may be called /dev/urandom
(Linux/Solaris/*BSD systems), CryptGenRandom()
(Windows C/C++),
(Java), System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider
(.NET)... Is is possible that the inherent UUID generation system of your local programming environment relies on a cryptographically secure PRNG (so hashing an UUID with SHA-256 would then be fine, even for unpredictability), but why take risks ? Just use a strong PRNG directly.