First, I'm very sorry if this is not the place I should ask this, but it seems to be the best choice.
My Aol email account was hijacked during the night two days ago : the password has been changed (obviously), but also the recovery/alternative email adress, and worst, the security question.
I called one of AOL services, 1-800-827-6364, located in the USA, and after twenty minutes, Alex, the hotline guy, told me that it was impossible to do anything, because I wasn't able to answer the security question. (Obviously, it's not mine). So clearly, I will never be able to recover my account, which i'm a bit sad about it, but whatever.
Isn't it some kind of security lack that some guy is able to connect to your email account, and is able to change your alternative email without sending some link to it before confirming the change ? I want to have you guys' opinion about it. (And by the way, if someone has a solution to offer, I'll take it happily !)
Fun fact, I received on my alt adress a mail just before the drama (but it was 04 AM) :
Our records show that the password on your AOL account was reset. If you did not make this change, or would like to view your changes, please sign in to"