Linked Questions

4 votes
2 answers

Web Application security [closed]

I am a web app developer, and recently one of my apps was hacked. I wanted to know what are the possible kinds of attacks done on web application (in detail) and methods on how to prevent those. I ...
25 votes
3 answers

Why is it called cross-site scripting? (XSS)

Why is Cross-site scripting called Cross-site scripting? The term implies to me (a non-native English speaker) that there is some other web site involved that attacks your web site, but most of the ...
28 votes
1 answer

Is Dom based XSS still a valid security concern in modern browsers?

I am trying to understand how DOM based XSS work, e.g. from this post, I managed to reproduce it in IE11, but e.g. Chrome and Firefox are immune at least against this exact example. What happens is ...
11 votes
2 answers

Understanding Layer 7 DoS

I recently read this article about how a lone hacker (The Jester) conducts, amongst various other things, his DoS attacks over layer 7 instead of layer 4. It also mentions at one point he was able to ...
6 votes
5 answers

Blacklisting vs. whitelisting characters to prevent XSS?

I've been reading about XSS prevention on OWASP and other security channels. They all say that I should use ESAPI or a similar library and do input filtering through a whitelist approach. However, I ...
23 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to transfer a virus through browser video?

I know that there is already a question related to viruses in videos, but the implication in the other question is that videos in question have been downloaded and played by media software on the ...
27 votes
4 answers

How to hijack a session?

Despite the blatant title of the question, this is actually for a genuine purpose. My site uses PHP code like this: $select="select id from tableA where user_id='".$_SESSION['sess_user_id']."'"; ...
3 votes
2 answers

Found this textarea with PHP in it. Might it be malicious/exploitable?

I came across this textarea on the website of a Medical Center. Clients enter sensitive medical data here. What users see: HTML: <textarea name="message">&lt;?php echo $_POST['message']...
1 vote
1 answer

Preventing reflected XSS in URL [duplicate]

We have just had some pen testing completed against a web application and the one area identified as High Impact and Medium Probability was: Cross-Site scripting (reflected) The example given was ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Could blocking script in the url prevent DOM XSS? [closed]

On my site, if I were to block <script> from the url, could this prevent some cases of XSS? Any way someone could bypass that?
9 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between ordinary XSS and Dom XSS vulnerabilities? [duplicate]

I'm not a computer guy, but just out of curiosity I've recently started to learn PHP for programming my own website and I've read about some most common vulnerabilities that exist in web applications. ...
0 votes
3 answers

Can isolated forms be dangerous for my server security? [closed]

I'm learning PHP and at the same time I write the examples that I get from the book to .php pages to test them and eventually publish them. My concern is about a bunch of forms that are there to test ...
10 votes
2 answers

Is there any risk related to allow user to give an URL as their image profile?

Building a website, I'd like to allow users to specify an url that point to an image that will be used as a profile picture (included in the HTML DOM as a ). But before doing anything stupid, I was ...
1 vote
0 answers

How can I explain Cross Site Scripting in a non-technical way? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Can anybody explain XSS to an idiot? I can reasonably explain Cross Site Scripting (XSS) in technical terms to other technically minded people or people familiar with web-dev/...
4 votes
2 answers

What is cross-site-scripting? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Can anybody explain XSS to an idiot? First I ask is there an aboslute definition? I've done some Googleing and it seems like everyone says something different. On SO one ...
97 votes
7 answers

How does hacking work?

I am specifically talking about web servers, running Unix. I have always been curious of how hackers get the entry point. I mean I don't see how a hacker can hack into the webpage when the only entry ...
10 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to forge a post request?

Consider the following URL Suppose that if x is in an incorrect format, that a page is returned with <p>x is not a valid date</p>, where the page author has ...
11 votes
2 answers

How to address XSS security issues in FCKeditor / CKeditor?

A security report we conducted through an outside company reported XSS vulnerabilities in FCKeditor which we're using in our PHP application. They pointed out that accessing URLs such as: http://www....