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Questions tagged [7zip]

7-Zip is an open source file compression and archiving application. Use this tag for questions regarding this application.

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7 votes
4 answers

Are files encrypted with 7ZIP vulnerable to password crackers?

A client says they can't accept password-protected PDFs to put in their payroll system, so I have to send them without security. I don't want to send unsecured PDFs via e-mail because e-mail is ...
M -'s user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

What is the impact of the reported weak IV in 7 Zip?

It has been reported that 7 Zip generates IVs in a weak manner. What is the actual impact of this? I'm asking about historical Zip files that I've sent. I've no plans to use 7 Zip going forward until ...
paj28's user avatar
  • 34.7k
6 votes
1 answer

Encryption Using 7z or Zip File

I'm wondering which encrypted 7-Zip file format has better encryption: 7z with 256 AES or zip file with 256 AES? Assume that a strong password is used, then which encrypted 7zip file format has ...
J. A.'s user avatar
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