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Questions tagged [batch]

A plain text file containing a list of commands to be executed in sequence by the command line interpreter.

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1 answer

Modifying a bat file and its execution rights in Windows

Could you please tell me, I'm trying to pass a very easy machine on HTB - Markup. I'm a little stuck at one point because I can't understand how it works. I got access via SSH, now I need to raise the ...
BadCatss's user avatar
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Can anyone decipher this .BAT malware? [closed]

Its a 3.37MB batch file. When opened in Notepad/++ it's all Chinese and some unknown characters. It's still remaining largely undetectable despite being launched in the wild more than 2 days ago, ...
Roco Petta's user avatar
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gpg won't find public key if not in interactive session

How to make imported public key available after logging off? I have a Powershell process that encrypts the file (recipient was masked): Start-Process "gpg.exe" -ArgumentList "--batch --yes --always-...
bigder's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a secure way to run a bat file from a Java program without command injection vulnerability?

Since using Runtime.exec() and ProcessBuilder trigger command injection vulnerability in static analyzing tools, is there any other recommended secure way to execute a bat file from a Java program? ...
pasanbsb's user avatar
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2 answers

Have I created some kind of malware? [closed]

I am quite new to this type of stuff and I'm experimenting a little bit. This weekend I had some spare time and decided to joke around with VBScript and powershell. What I did is I wrote a VBScript ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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1 answer

Full shell from pingit application [closed]

when I entered the result was:- Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, ...
Aayush's user avatar
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How to safely execute batch file viruses for practice?

I'm following a tutorial on fork bomb and thought it was pretty interesting. TL;DR: It's basically just a program that replicates itself until the computer freezes/crashes. I want to see how it ...
MrRobot's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

How to secure batch script with compiler (not compressor) in Windows?

Batch script, a.k.a. bat or cmd, is good - easy to learn, easy to code, easy to use, easy to distrubute. However it lets coders down when they need to achieve something complex in batch script. The ...
ll55's user avatar
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2 answers

Why would a bat file that just starts a program be considered a virus?

My friend's computer was having a lot of viruses so he wanted me to download an operating system for him. So he gave me a flash memory. When I opened the flash my antivirus (Kaspersky Total Security) ...
Qeaxe's user avatar
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0 answers

Connect to a wifi through code [closed]

Is there any way a person could write a software using for example C++ to connect to a wifi completely by using code?
John Smith's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

Can a batch file download a file to infect a computer?

Is it possible to write a batch script that can download some code from the web and infect a computer? Can you explain it briefly?
Digital fire's user avatar
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1 answer

Authentication for a batch script

It seems amazing that there is no industry accepted best practice for this problem yet (or maybe just one I'm not aware of): What is the most secure way for a batch script, a program needing to ...
Rakkhi's user avatar
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