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How strict should I be in rejecting unexpected HTTP request parameters redux?

I read this: How strict should I be in rejecting unexpected query parameters? Answer: No, do not error out on unexpected query string parameters. But I just got a requirement from our security guy ...
gaazkam's user avatar
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How to find a website behind a Firewall? [closed]

Some context for my question: I'm currently studying Information Security, and this is for an assignment from my teacher. For my assignment, I received two IP addresses. I did a port scan with nmap ...
Higor Lopes's user avatar
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Are there other methods than fuzzing for black box?

I find fuzzing a bit to basic method if it comes to black box apps. I am specifically interested how to find a vulnerability in network protocols. I have read "Attacking Network Protocols" but only ...
simple_elliot's user avatar
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Black Box penetration testing in private network

I came across a scenario where an organization is using micro-service architecture. They are using Amazon AWS as a web service and Kubernetes to maintain micro-services. All the EC2 instances are in ...
Cyberzinga's user avatar
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How to make a "blackbox" secure enough to process high dollar crypto currency withdrawals?

I have some security problems to solve, and frankly, don’t even know where to start. I’d appreciate some feedback from the experts here... Problem 1: Protecting API keys that have rights to ...
Emily's user avatar
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1 answer

How to preform black-box (no source) vulnerability testing/fuzzing?

How would I (or) what software would I use to conduct local application (stored on the PC) black-box (no source/closed source) fuzzing or vulnerability testing for Windows? I've just been using common ...
noodles's user avatar
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Correlation between server request and response time and built-in php functions

Is there any way to identify which built-in PHP function is used in some given script only by sending a request and receiving a response from the remote server? To keep it simple we might assume that ...
Awaaaaarghhh's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Guessing PHP version and info from phpinfo using black box analysis

Intro I'm currently experimenting with PHP black box analysis and couldn't find any useful information. There are some approaches how to determine e.g. Apache version, but for PHP it seems that ...
Awaaaaarghhh's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Reflected XSS via JSON executed with Burp, but how to do it in realistic conditions?

I am testing a scenario with Burp proxy. I am located on a website There's an option there to delete an item, when you click it , a certain POST request is sent (...
fing's user avatar
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2 answers

Forcing a black box to register a ssl cerificate

I have in my home a proprietary device, which I took an interest to see what it does over the network. I first determined his Ip on my network, and the port used to pass http/s requests, then arp ...
Nadav96's user avatar
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1 answer

Struggling to profile the query behind a SQLi vulnerability

I'm black-box pen testing a colleague's website for common vulnerabilities (mainly concerned with OWASP's top 10). I've found a SQL injection vulnerability in a form since the use of special ...
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62 votes
10 answers

Is there such a thing as a "Black Box" that decrypts Internet traffic?

I have been reading about the Snoopers charter bill that was passed in the UK this week. It mentions a "Black Box" which is cited here: ‘Black boxes’ to monitor all internet and phone data. It ...
User1's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Buffer overflow - Print "hello world"

I'm wondering what the shellcode would be to simply print "hello world" to the console. When testing for vulnerabilities, I think it would be very useful to have shellcode to test if the exploit works....
Aaron Esau's user avatar
14 votes
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Viewing the stack

I recently started learning about buffer overflows and how they work. Someone shared a binary to practice on (in a vm, don't worry). I've been feeding strings to the socket that the binary opens, and ...
Aaron Esau's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Pentesting - best bang for your buck? (credentialed versus non-credentialed)

My day to day activities consist primarily of penetration testing (white/grey/black). Throughout my engagements, I try to educate my clients on the differences of testing types. E.g., credentialed ...
munkeyoto's user avatar
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46 votes
4 answers

Is this a self rolled hashing/obfuscation method? Can you recognize the pattern?

A system we're introducing into the organization is not using any traditional hashing function that I can find. I've been assigned to "approve" it by black-box testing. I suspect passwords are simply ...
coldfused's user avatar
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1 answer

Is creating secondary account on Black-Box Pentest Forbidden? [closed]

Okay, so here it goes. I am the Red Team Lead, and as described earlier; not far (like about a week), I posted this. At the time, I was looking for a beautiful technical title which could match down ...
Shritam Bhowmick's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Extract a key from an AES black-box?

I'm trying to figure out how a given executable works. I know it's using AES-128 to encrypt and decrypt, but the specifics of the code are unknown. I can get the executable to encrypt and decrypt any ...
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5 votes
2 answers

Fuzzing and its impact on testing environment

I asked this question on StackOverflow but got no answers so I thought that I would try my luck here since fuzzing is closely related to security and often used in vulnerability assessment tests. I'm ...
Awake Zoldiek's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How can NSA see everything without us noticing that? [closed]

Here's one thing that keeps bugging me ever since I heard about the NSA revelations. From what I heard, NSA built a system that basically sees most of the internet, made of many subsystems which ...
d33tah's user avatar
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Effectiveness of Interactive Application Security Testing

There are a number of IAST tools available on the market such as Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner and HP WebInspect Real-Time. How effective are these at finding vulnerabilities? Is there any ...
SilverlightFox's user avatar
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Using timeouts to automatically detect blind sql injection exploits

I'm working on a penetration testing tool, and I have error-based sql injection pretty much covered, but I was wondering, is it possible to use timeouts, along with built in sql commands to detect an ...
Dylan Katz's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

Black-box fuzzing a TCP Port running an unknown applicaiton

I'm looking for any guidance around testing a service I've found running on a target server. I'm doing a 'black-box' pen-test and the company is one of those 'I-don't-want-to-tell-you-anything' types ...
NULLZ's user avatar
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