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2 answers

Does a database with pre-calculated SHA256 values exist for Windows EXEs?

Background: At my place of work, we're trying to block all unapproved browsers on all Windows machines and the IT Security guys did a search on our internal infrastructure and came up with a list of ...
Fabby's user avatar
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Firejail Blacklist/Whitelist Priorities

I have defined the following: whitelist /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/ noblacklist /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/ blacklist /home However I get: ls: cannot access '/home/user/.mozilla/firefox': ...
balia's user avatar
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Whitelist Application For Windows Server 2012

My problem I am looking for an application which runs on Windows Server 2012 for security reasons. Our server began attacked on many protocols. They are trying brute force attacks with very weak ...
NagyDani's user avatar
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Difference between Knowledge-based IDS and behavior-based IDS

I have difficulties in understanding the difference between Knowledge-based IDS and behavior-based IDS. This link says that a knowledge-based IDS uses a database of specific attacks and system ...
Fei's user avatar
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Why not just blacklist every IP except yours?

Inspired as a continuation of this question: Is it practical to pre-blacklist certain GeoIP regions? Why would it not make sense to blacklist every single IP address that shouldn't have access to a ...
Dupontrocks11's user avatar
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Are there any standard practices for protecting against malicious links being entered in a public form?

A website I'm working on needs to have a form for any visitor to submit a request for information about a service. The user will not need to create an account, and contact details are just part of the ...
jpmc26's user avatar
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Technical term needed: Per default secured / blacklist vs whitelist

I'm currently working on a homework and missing a technical term / known best practice to describe what I have learned or what I feel that is better. It is about a publish / subscribe architecture, ...
Toni's user avatar
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2 answers

DDoS Mitigation - Whitelist or Blacklist Incoming SOURCE Ports?

For a network offering webservices, I have had recommendations to blacklist a couple of common incoming DESTINATION ports, such as UDP 53, to combat the increasing load from DDoS. I'm wondering if it ...
George's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Blacklisting vs. whitelisting characters to prevent XSS?

I've been reading about XSS prevention on OWASP and other security channels. They all say that I should use ESAPI or a similar library and do input filtering through a whitelist approach. However, I ...
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