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Is it secure to expose a salted bcrypt hash IF it is maximum length random secure password?

Is it secure to expose a salted bcrypt hash (minimum 14 cost) if the used password is 72 characters (maximum) byte long, randomly generated letters, numbers, and special characters using secure ...
DonEr's user avatar
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if salt stored in user, will it be possible to use brute force attack? [duplicate]

I had done a lot of research about this topic. Before Researchs I found that some people suggest that to hide salt is not important: But also this ...
John Robertson's user avatar
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4 answers

How to figure about the total amount of password combinations possibles that have salt values?

I'm reading this book about Computer Security to better prepare me for my role, however, this question is just not clicking to me. I've figured out half of it, but cannot figure out this last part. If ...
user125642's user avatar
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3 answers

Perfectly Robust Hashing Scheme, or Completely Over-Engineered?

This is going to get long, so prepare. Basis of the question is, Do all these steps improve security, or am I completely overthinking the problem? Are my assumptions/thought process valid? We all ...
dberm22's user avatar
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How do you overcome the problem of the salt being public and known by the attacker? [duplicate]

I believe that when adding a salt to the password you need to store the values so you can compute the hash again. But, what does happen if the attacker get the salt? How is it possible to add value ...
kiBytes's user avatar
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