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Counterintuitive remediation cost scale within SEI CERT Coding Guidelines for priority

The SEI CERT Coding Guidelines assign a priority to each rule, formed from the product of three factors: severity, likelihood, and remediation cost. Each of these three factors is assigned a value ...
user2023370's user avatar
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Hiring an AppSec Engineer - What to look for?

I am in the process of trying to hire an AppSec Engineer to review our source code manually and have only been able to find those using appscan tools for secure code reviews. Is there something in ...
CSharpDotNet's user avatar
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How to explain to our developer manager the benefits of using a linter also as a security feature?

Someone mentioned that linters would have helped not only for keeping the code looking better and friendlier, but also safer. ESlint has a rule to indicate, for example, to use {} which would have ...
Filipon's user avatar
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Penetration Testing vs Secure Source Code Review [duplicate]

Recently I came across to a situation where an institution has hired a third party vendor to develop its business applications. I came up with the following questions related to penetration testing ...
Khopcha's user avatar
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Is using IsBadReadPtr and IsBadWritePtr considered to be insecure?

I am auditing (reverse engineering) an x86 C++ application without source code. Static analysis revealed that the application is using the IsBadReadPtr and IsBadWritePtr Win32 functions in almost ALL ...
madmax25's user avatar