Questions tagged [des]

Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a symmetrical encryption algorithm.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Key Hierarchy and key Encryption

If i have two 56-bit DES keys, and I use these two key to encrypt a 256-bit AES key. Like this: K_AT encrypts K_BT and K_BT encrypts K What is the effective security of key K? Is it 2 X 56 Bits?
Ricky's user avatar
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Where could I find a list of keys not to use for DES encrypting

We have a process that encrypts a URL, it uses DES encryption. I suspect someone may have figured out the key and is decrypting it to crawl information. This was set up many years ago, I just want to ...
Sanpopo's user avatar
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Which protocols are the most secure to achieve authentication and encryption for a client downloading data from a sever?

I'm new to Information Security so please bear with me if this question is quite trivial. I want to design a secure protocol that allows someone to download a piece of data that belongs to them from ...
user3396592's user avatar