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How might I rate-limit in nginx against a distributed attacker that has set the number of parallel connections in xerxes to 1?

An attacker tweaks xerxes by setting the number of CONNECTIONS in xerxes to 1 instead of 8, like so: #define CONNECTIONS 1 They then attack with xerxes-executable mydomain 433. Their strategy is to ...
John Smith's user avatar
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DDoS in form of bad bots?

Recently, one of my servers came under attack by DDoSing it. After inspection of access logs, I can only find one common denominator: Referrer. All of request come with (I assume) fake referrer: ...
Jovan Perovic's user avatar
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1 answer

Nginx: mod-security rule for http slow DoS attack

The only related rule in mod-security for slow DoS is modsecurity_crs_11_slow_dos_protection, and it's for Apache only. Is there a rule for Nginx?
Be1inda's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to set basic defense on Nginx-CMS?

As an Information Security amateur I did all in my might to protect my Ubuntu-Nginx-CMS (WordPress) environment from BFAs, MITMs, and database injections. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot -...
Arcticooling's user avatar
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2 answers

Mediawiki/Nginx/Php on Ubuntu 14.04 is being attacked

I had a personal wiki set up with mediawiki on my server with nginx. Recently I noticed that all my sites that used php (Mediawiki and all Wordpress sites) were not responding or timing out. Then I ...
Gravetow's user avatar
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Wordpress pingback attack

I am getting Wordpress pingback attach on my server. I tried to put if condition on nginx to block deny all requests that contains "Wordpress" in the header. It works fine but still nginx get millions ...
user3404047's user avatar
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Strange flood of requests to my web server

About an hour ago, strange requests began showing up in my access logs. They are coming in at a rate of ca. 400 req/s and appear to come from IPs all over the place. It started out at a lover rate and ...
troelskn's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What approach would you choose to defend againt DDoS attacks from Nginx level?

I use Nginx compiled with the Naxsi module to protect against some vulnerabilities (SQL injection and cross-site scripting). Now I need to apply a layer of poor man's DDoS protection at this level. I ...
uruguay_guy's user avatar