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Why do DDoS attacks spoof DNS source IPs?

Recently, a lot of my friends have been talking about botnets. They said they've created their own.‌‌ Obviously, I ​​know this is all illegal so I try not to take part in any of it. But I've been ...
Hackermon's user avatar
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What is the most powerful type of DDOS/DOS attack? [closed]

What I mean is what protocol are best to DOS something like TCP, UDP, HTTP?
user13254086's user avatar
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Server is sending large amounts of encrypted UDP traffic

The hosting company of a client has shut down their Windows server twice in the past week because the server seems to be sending out massive amounts of outbound encrypted UDP DNS traffic. I have now ...
saxum's user avatar
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UDP amplification: length(response_packet) < length(request_packet)

I was researching the GitHub DDoS attack of 2018, in which memcached UDP amplification was used. I noticed that a GitHub blog post referenced a CloudFlare post which described memcached-based UDP ...
CharlieBucket's user avatar
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What is the difference between DNS flood attack and UDP flood attack?

As title says, what is the difference between DNS flood attack and UDP flood attack? Plus, do they only exhaust the network bandwidth or do they also exhaust the server-side assets such as CPU, ...
eliwax's user avatar
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Does the choice of protocol affect the efficiency of a DOS attack?

I was wondering, to make a DOS attack you need to send something to the target you are DOS-ing. And to send something you need to use some protocol. My question is, are all protocols the same speed? ...
jeyejow's user avatar
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Following strategy using DDoS mitigation service - UDP bandwith exhaustion attack from spoofed IPs

I need to defend against receiving a massive spam of UDP packets from random spoofed IP addresses. I would make it this way: In my protocol, every UDP packet contains username and password. Firewall(...
John Lock's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to deal with UDP bandwidth exhaustion DDoS attacks?

I am building a service, which will use UDP. It will run on Amazon AWS - in the firewall they provide, I can block everything except that one UDP port my service will run. The only thing I'm ...
John Lock's user avatar
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What are common services that are being misused in UDP amplification DDoS attacks?

I have been learning about DDoS attacks and how to protect from it. I have a question regarding DDoS attacks. What are common services that are being misused in UDP amplification DDoS attacks?
Romzes's user avatar
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DDoS Mitigation - Whitelist or Blacklist Incoming SOURCE Ports?

For a network offering webservices, I have had recommendations to blacklist a couple of common incoming DESTINATION ports, such as UDP 53, to combat the increasing load from DDoS. I'm wondering if it ...
George's user avatar
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3 answers

TCP versus UDP resilience to DDoS

I am building a service that I can implement equally well with either TCP or UDP. If I use TCP, I expose vulnerability to SYN flood and other attacks on TCP protocol. If I use UDP, it will be harder ...
user1055568's user avatar
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3 answers

TSource Engine Query DDoS attack

My gaming machine is under DDoS attack and when I used Wireshark I found the following string "TSource Engine Query" in all UDP packets coming from random IP's. I found using Google that some gaming ...
Satish's user avatar
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Is it possible to force client use TCP instead UDP for DNS queries?

Assume I am managing a firewall between DNS server and clients. Is there any way to force clients use TCP rather than UDP, so we can prevent DNS spoof types of DDoS attacks?
ibrahim's user avatar
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Slow internet, IP Flood? [duplicate]

Lately, I've been getting slow internet. I checked wireshark and noticed I keep receiving in matter of seconds thousands of UDP packets that my computer does not respond to, and here's the twist: ...
user3312767's user avatar