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3 votes
1 answer

How does the SSL/TLS protocol determine if a certificate is expired or not?

I already tried googling but no luck. All search results always tell you how to check cert expiration manually, but that is not my question. Yes I can use OpenSSL for example, but what I am asking is ...
Noob_Guy's user avatar
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Request certificate expiration date in CSR

I want to see how my application will behave in case if the SSL certificate expires. CSR are signed by CA, so they are not self-signed and the validity period is 2 years. For my test I want to set ...
Alex's user avatar
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2 answers

How can an expired SSL certificate make the server and/or client vulnerable to MITM attacks? [duplicate]

When I see the warning on my browser about "Invalid Certificate" or "Untrusted Certificate" , I might have doubt about a MITM attack at my network. Should I have the same concern when I see that the ...
Pilfility's user avatar
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