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2 answers

How do attackers determine ROP gadgets remotely?

Being gadgets change per each system and architecture (do they?), how would an attacker be able to determine the offsets of various Return Oriented Programming gadgets, would an attacker first need to ...
asd40732's user avatar
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Understanding ret2libc return address location

I recently was studying x86 buffer overflows + ret2libc attacks from and I noticed the order is as follows: bytes to fill buffer + address of system ...
asd_665's user avatar
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What is source of bad characters exist in buffer overflows

I'm new to exploit development and while watching a tutorial I came across the topic of "Bad character identification". I'm referring to the process of sending all possible characters to the ...
Anton.P's user avatar
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Exploit - Code execution without assembly call instruction, int etc on ia_64

Found a bug in a function in a loop where I can go past a loop in assignment where value is read from past malloced memory The function has no call, int or other assembly instructions afterwards. ...
dev's user avatar
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Remote Buffer Overflow w/out Memory Leak

I'm working on an exploit development challenge right now in which I've been presented with a compiled binary and I have to exploit it on a remote server. No stack protections have been enabled and ...
leaustinwile's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Problem with overwriting the return address (buffer overflow)

I'm trying to exploit the following code with a buffer overflow and make it run the overflowed function: #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> void overflowed() { printf("%s\...
user1758952's user avatar
0 votes
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Stack Protection off but still cant overwrite EIP

When Compiling with: gcc -m32 -fno-pie -no-pie -g bof.c -fno-stack-protector -z execstack -o bof32 I am able to overwrite the return address with just about any value except a valid return address. ...
zeroskilz's user avatar
5 votes
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How to bypass ASLR with ROP

I was reading this article by the InfoSec institute: And was able to follow along until he did the ...
alloy's user avatar
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Segmentation fault error when calling user defined function in shellcode

I am getting the segmentation fault error when I called function "target" in my shellcode. Here's the C code of program: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #...
Rakesh Mane's user avatar
2 votes
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Need help in bypassing Structured Exception Handling (SEH) + egghunter

I am practicing exploit development and trying to remake this exploit by myself in the same environment: exploit link I face an issue that the egghunter is not running I even tried the one in the ...
HAlmusajjen's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

ROP Programming/Exploitation on ARM - Gadget chain

Unfortunately, I cannot find this gadget in my How can we reprogram this using different instructions: pop {r0, r1, r2, r3, pc} Which instructions will achieve the same? What gadgets I have ...
dev's user avatar
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Reverse Engineer and Exploits researching [closed]

Can some one give me a start point for finding exploits in software and reverse engineering? I need some kind of a book or a site... I have background with programming with high and low level such as ...
Asaf fisher's user avatar
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When I controll EIP, how do I discover what the next steps are?

Lets say I can control the EIP CPU Register, and I want to jump to a specific function of which I know the correct memory address. This address is inside the same memory page. We have no exploit ...
Dirk's user avatar
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