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pvefindaddr p2 in mona?

Is there a !pvefindaddr p2 (search for all pop/pop/ret combinations in the entire process memory space) equivalent in Alternatively, is there any option to run pvefindaddr in latest versions ...
user286591's user avatar
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Can't overwrite EIP in bufferoverflow example

I am trying to make a simple buffer-overflow exploit on an example program to understand binary exploitation a bit better. The goal is to simple write shellcode on the stack and execute it. However, ...
n00b.exe's user avatar
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How to use "jmp" in ROP

I'm trying to put together a ROP chain. I'm looking for a gadget to do the following: mov rdi, rdx ; mov rbp, rsp ; ret; But instead, I have a gadget like this : mov rdi, rdx ; mov rbp, rsp ; ...
perplex's user avatar
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Trick needed to make use of a local buffer overflow vulnerability to obtain root

I am working on a certain CTF trying to gain root privileges in it, I found a vulnerable program to buffer overflow vulnerability with Non executable stack security level (NX), I developed an exploit ...
HAlmusajjen's user avatar
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return to libc- finding libc's address and finding offsets

So I tried performing a return-to-libc according to . I found libc's address by using "ldd vuln", and found system's ...
Jonathan's user avatar