Questions tagged [fail2ban]

Fail2ban is a program designed to scan server log files and ban IP numbers suspected of malicious activity.

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5 votes
3 answers

Does blocking an IP with IP Tables protect you from a DOS (not DDOS) attack?

I am fairly new to network security, and I just learned about the Fail2Ban framework you can use for automated exploit detection/prevention. It says that you can protect yourself from DOS attacks by ...
Jon Ferguson's user avatar
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How should output of fail2ban postfix-sasl look like

I want to be sure that fail2ban is properly banning failed postfix SASL login attempts. When I do iptables -L I can see list of banned hosts for SSHD, but I can't figure out a way to see banned ...
Aleksandar Pavić's user avatar
2 votes
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fail2ban - syntax for setting bantime in a unit other than seconds?

I have just installed fail2ban on my host. All documentation I found, including fail2ban's latest official page, mentions seconds as the time unit to use to ban any given host. So for example the ...
Dave White's user avatar
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2 answers

Using fail2ban for detecting suspicious activity whitin a webserver

I know that fail2ban is mostly used for blocking IPs trying to brute force an SSH endpoint and other stuff like that. However, I am wondering if you could also use fail2ban to detect (not necessarily ...
cis's user avatar
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Blocking slowloris using fail2ban, what are the correct parameters?

I have a fail2ban rule for Apache2 logs that which looks like this: [Definition] failregex = ^[^ ]+ <HOST> .* \[\] "[^\"]*" 408 \d+ This will detect the 408 errors which happen when a TCP ...
Alexis Wilke's user avatar
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Blocking brute forcer with multiple IPs in range

A few weeks ago, I allowed my Linux Server to be connected from the internet for development purposes. My networking knowledge is quite basic. Following some guidelines on securing Linux servers, I ...
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Do I need fail2ban if I have a strong password?

Is there any advantage to me installing fail2ban on my VPS web server? As far as I understood, fail2ban's only purpose is to stop bruteforce and dictionary attacks by preventing consecutive password ...
Alex's user avatar
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3 answers

Mailcleaner - Fail2ban - mc-exim-filter configuration

I'm using Fail2ban on a Mailcleaner server which works pretty good, but I want to update it to ban hosts who want to spoof our addresses. I'm using the "original" mc-exim-filter, but I don't ...
Krisztian's user avatar
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Access from external network safely to raspberry

I am implementing a home alarm system with raspberry and I need to access it from the external network. The initial idea was to use cascade VPN and ssh (in my university to connect to the cluster I ...
dang92's user avatar
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1 answer

Block hex encoded requests using fail2ban

I have new web server running nginx. The default server is receiving 10K+ requests every day from Russian bots. They are clearly probing for something, but it's hard to say what since the requests ...
mattf10's user avatar
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2 answers

Is something like fail2ban necessary for a rate-limited key-only (no password) ssh login?

As far as I understand, bruteforcing ssh is only attempted for passwords, not keys (barring edge cases where presumably the NSA wants to break in). So if a server has disabled (in addition to root ...
ahron's user avatar
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1 answer

Does CSF-LFD include a Fail2Ban analogue or should include Fail2Ban at all?

I am not of the field of IS and After reading this CSF-LFD installation document, I've installed CSF-LFD via: cd /usr/src sudo rm -fv csf.tgz sudo wget sudo ...
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Is it a security risk, lack of knowledge for reactive action, when abuse mail is rejected?

When inspecting the DNS configuration for example with, the following shows up sometimes (note I used Accepts Abuse Address WARNING: Found mail servers which are not ...
Bob Ortiz's user avatar
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Bots are using my own static IP to brute force DNS/Email server [closed]

My email server has been under constant brute force attack for a while now, without success. Recently, however, these bots or automated scripts have found a way to "use my own static IP" in ...
Glen's user avatar
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0 answers

UFW behind modem does not block remote IP

I have a small linux server with fail2ban and UFW installed and configured behind internet gateway modem which ssh port is forwarded to server. The attackers are discovering by fail2ban and added to ...
Sencer H.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Block many wrong requests via PHP

I have an API that requires a security token to run. Is it possible to use Fail2Ban or ModEvasive to block access from IPs that often try to access the API with an incorrect token? I use PHP to ...
Tom's user avatar
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1 answer

Limiting number of combo attempts with Fail2ban and 128 bits of entropy

Apps such as Fail2ban and DenyHosts enable unix administrators to limit username/password combo attempts to typically 3 attempts. But why 3? Some admins enable more, like 6 or 8 giving honest users a ...
enoren5's user avatar
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1 answer

Increasing fail2ban ban time with each attempt

I haven't really found any way to do this - I have seen a few issues on the github dealing with it but nothing in the wiki indicating it exists. Right now I have a problem, a set of 3 IP addresses ...
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0 votes
2 answers

How to create custom rules for fail2ban in Apache?

In the last few weeks I've been having some problems with some users who are scanning our server for files, and in those searches they generate a lot of errors. That's why I installed fail2ban, it ...
Tom's user avatar
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Is fail2ban an intrusion prevention system?

I know what fail2ban does; it monitors the firewall logs and finds ip addresses that have too many failed logins to ssh; and then tells the firewall to drop packets from those addresses. So is ...
leeand00's user avatar
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Fail2ban not resulting in any update of IPTables

I have: Installed Fail2ban Created a local jail file. Changed lines within /etc/fail2ban/jail.local where enabled is mentioned x2 to true. Added enabled = true to the Asterisk section of the jail....
onerealbeanie's user avatar
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How does fail2ban et al deal with the IP neighbourhood of badly behaving IPs?

Please note, I'm looking more for established documented best-practice rather than personal opinion in this question. I'm also not interested in Fail2Ban specifically but the class of technologies ...
billpg's user avatar
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sshd login obfuscation by prompting for a password although password login is disabled?

The sshd.config and fail2ban both work by blocking authentication requests over a specified path, thus notifying the attacker about the protection measures in place. Wouldn't it be more desirable to ...
Senkaku's user avatar
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ssh login attempts still showing up even with password login disabled? [duplicate]

I switched all my servers to ssh publickey login and disabled password login about a week ago (root login IS still enabled). I also run Fail2ban and logwatch. Why is there still login attempts ...
Jason Croyle's user avatar