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Questions tagged [fingerprint]

In information security, a fingerprinting algorithm uniquely identifies the hardware, software or data. Just as human fingerprints uniquely identify people for practical purposes. This fingerprint may be used in penetration tests or for vulnerability management.

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2 votes
1 answer

How to spoof browser fingerprint without it being obvious?

Is there a way to spoof browser fingerprint without websites being able to tell you have done it? This includes spoofing most or all types of known browser/device fingerprints such as canvas, ...
UNRESTR1CTED's user avatar
0 votes
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Cryptography system: same fingerprint => same private key [duplicate]

Would it be possible to design and attach a system to a smartphone whereby a public key cryptography system is attached a unique private key to a fingerprint without storing anything (the same ...
Joselin Jocklingson's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Using fingerprints everywhere to identify at physical, ID required, places

I was wondering why people can't just use fingerprints to retrieve all necessary documents where required. What would be the problem with such form of authentication, which could be used via ...
Joselin Jocklingson's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

What standards are there for sharing public SSH fingerprints?

When connecting to a host through SSH for the first time I get met with the message: Authenticity of host ***** can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256 *******. Are you sure you want to ...
ojo's user avatar
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Why does the fingerprint of a GPG key change after it is made a sub key?

I recently consolidated some of my independently GPG keys. I used the following the command to edit the oldest key gpg --expert --edit-key <oldest-keygrip> gpg> add-key --keygrip=<another-...
ksinkar's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Our fingerprint were leaked from the vulnerable voting system made by our Government, should I avoid using biometric system from now on?

Way back in 2016, our government's Commission on Election database was hacked. I am one of those 55 million people whose personal data was leaked and exposed including our fingerprints. We are now at ...
arvil's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Website fingerprinting based on packet traces

Given a set of traces coming from different websites, where each trace is a packet. Assume we only know the time of arrival, size and direction of each packet. How do we go about fingerprinting these ...
Goonturr's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Getting fingerprint of certificate signing request

I am aware that I can get the fingerprint of an x509 certificate by typing openssl x509 -in certificate.crt -noout -fingerprint But if I try to get the fingerprint of a CSR (openssl req -in ...
JoSSte's user avatar
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0 answers

Why does Windows facial recognition not require a password on startup?

I was reading the following question: Why do mobile devices force user to type password after reboot? To find out why fingerprint authentication on my Windows 10 laptop isn't an option on startup. It ...
pigeonburger's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

SSH: MITM attack during fingerprint verification?

The first time I connect via SSH, a "fingerprint" appears. How can I be sure that it belongs to my server/router/etc. and has not been tampered with by a fraudster (MITM)? For example, for ...
Serg90's user avatar
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2 answers

How/What to prompt user for fingerprint login using smartcard?

We are using a PIV smartcard that has biometric information (fingerprint) of the user encoded on the card to login into our application. We have the capability to read the fingerprint from a reader ...
always_a_rookie's user avatar
22 votes
4 answers

How will biometrics be a safe way to authenticate users across the internet?

Let's say Alice created a new account on a service and this service saved her fingerprint as a way of logging in later. Then Alice creates a new account on a new service, but unfortunately this second ...
Mohammed Rady's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How could I know if a website is fingerprinting you via WebGL?

I would like to know if a website is fingerprinting me via WebGL, first of all, knowing if the site is doing it Knowing when they send the request to my browser Knowing what value I am reporting to ...
The Dan's user avatar
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2 answers

Browser fingerprint is unique while running a VM of a clean install of Windows 10

So I used Qemu on Ubuntu 20 to emulate a computer running windows 10. I kept all of Qemu default values. Then, while installing the Windows 10 iso, I kept all the default values once again. Finally, I ...
propre_poli's user avatar
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1 answer

Preventing MITM for a new SSH daemon

Supposed I have a number of HTTPS servers on different networks, would it be safe enough to use them together to verify a new SSH daemon's public key? i.e. if they all return the same fingerprint, is ...
user256473's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Does fingerprint scanning on Microsoft Authenticator increase security?

tl;dr: I have switched phone and operating system: Android 8.0 --> Android 10.0. Phone restored from backup, so all the remaining is the same except for Microsoft Authenticator that now requires ...
trejder's user avatar
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3 answers

Prevent Replay Attack When using FingerPrint as login

We have an application that allows users to login using fingerprint. The server validating the sent fingerprint. Now, anyone can watch the traffic and resend them. What the best way to prevent this ...
Imran Qadir Baksh - Baloch's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Fingerprints of a RSA keys - GitHub not matching?

I am wondering how those RSA fingerprints work. I have a GitHub account and created an RSA key pair to set up an ssh connection. Then followed the instruction... First time I connect to my GitHub it ...
LeonSteinn's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Effect of Firefox's "Responsive Design Mode" on the browser's fingerprint

Today I switched ON the "Responsive Design Mode" under the "Web Developer" Section of the Firefox menu, and from the dropdown menu selected "iPhone X/XS iOS 12". So now ...
user's user avatar
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1 answer

Why don't fingerprint authentication systems don't store 'hashes'? [duplicate]

Usual password authentication systems do not store passwords directly on the server, but only hashes of those passwords. Why do fingerprint authentication systems not offer this possibility?
mehdi krimi's user avatar
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3 answers

Can we check fingerprint with photos?

Let's assume an insecure communication channel. Alice makes a public key (we assume is PGP, but any asymmetric crypto could be used unless it doesn't have fingerprints for checking) and sends it to ...
DottorCrypto's user avatar
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SSH fingerprints(GitHub) differ when connecting to different routers

You can see that the two fingerprints differ, the second(nThbg6...) is the legit that can be found here: I ...
thanosam's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between the many identifiers in GnuPG?

GnuPG seems to have number of different ways to refer to a (sub)key(pair): Key IDs Fingerprints Keygrips Additionally, gpg --list-sigs seems to show hexadecimal identifiers for signatures and such ...
jotik's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Remmina RDP Certificate Fingerprint Changed

I've been using Remmina to connect to my RDP server across the internet. When I first connected to the server, I had to accept the certificate. I have not had to do that since the first time I ...
Doug's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Uniquely identify each mobile phone of Android 10 / 9 and below

Background: I have an Android APP with millions of users, but some users are malicious users (robot, fake, privilege escaped, etc). The common solution is to detect & block those "bad" accounts ...
TJCLK's user avatar
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2 answers

How to configure a VM to protect all my hardware fingerprint from guest OS and softwares?

This question was originally Does Firefox in VM have a common enough fingerprint so I don't need tor browser? in Tor community. I want to know about what a web browser's fingerprint like in a VM, ...
Bob Johnson's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Where are fingerprints stored on an Android phone?

Many recent phones come with a fingerprint scanner. I use them rarely but I'm curious how do hardware and software protect user's fingerprint data from being stolen. Does a fingerprint scanner come ...
Cyker's user avatar
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Can any of your recognisable personal information be linked to your device fingerprint?

I learned that a device probably has a device fingerprint to the eyes of a company that operates online. I'm not sure how this fingerprint is managed by its collectors, but it's plausible that it ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is it safe to store and transmit fingerprint templates in ANSI or ISO formats in cleartext format?

I working on a setup where I'm getting users to scan their fingers for fingerprint at a local machine but, the templates are stored at a centralized server for efficiency reasons. Since the ...
Vineet Menon's user avatar
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How much entropy does Apple Touch ID sensor read fingerprint has?

Iphone uses by default 6-digit PIN that has an entropy of 19.93 bits When iPhone processes the fingerprint, how much entropy does it have? How long should standard passphrase be until it is as ...
ccccc1cc's user avatar
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What can a 3rd party learn about a user through only CSS and images?

In its default settings, uMatrix content blocker allows CSS and images (JPG, PNG, etc) from all sources, unless denied by a site-specific block list. It also allows 1st party cookies, scripts, and ...
Foo Bar's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Anonymity: standardization or randomization?

I wonder if it's better to standardize or randomize data for anonymity. For example, think of browser fingerprinting. If you standardize every parameter, you would have all browsers returning the same ...
reed's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Banking app logon - multiple fingerprints on a device vs 2 passwords known by 1 person

Yesterday I logged on to my banking app via my iPhone. The normal procedure was to enter information that consisted of: The answer to a security question. This had to be entered in full and was the ...
Andrew's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Making transactions only, or almost only, by QR codes

I have a OnePlus 6 smartphone and I recently opened a bank account in a bank which seems to me very innovative in the context going payment card (debit/credit) free (using only application and/or cash)...
user avatar
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0 answers

Reason for iOS and Android fingerprint behaviour

Both iOS and Android allow using a fingerprint sensor for logging in, and allow applications to store secrets that can only be unlocked using the fingerprint. Both allow one or more fingerprints to be ...
gnasher729's user avatar
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Does Google read a device fingerprint?

Does Google use a device fingerprint? Will Google websites ask Chrome produce a fingerprint? Will Chrome produce a fingerprint for any and all ...
H2ONaCl's user avatar
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1 answer

How can websites know that I accessed them before if I use a VM and different IP?

I created a virtual machine with a clean Windows install on it. On that PC I create a virtual switch and I link it to one of my Wi-Fi boards. I disable IPv4 and IPv6 on that connection so I am not ...
user203516's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

CISCO VPN Client - Gateway's fingerprint has changed - what is the risk of simply accepting the change?

I am using CISCO VPN client when working remotely to join company's VPN. Once every 2-3 months I receive an alert like the following: Title: SSL Network Extender Message: Gateway's ...
Alexei's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Will two smartphones (identical hardware and software) generate the same canvas fingerprint?

When using Canvas Fingerprint (like on this website) to distinguish users, does two smartphones (same model, same OS version, and no browser/plugin customization) will share the same fingerprint?
Matthieu Charbonnier's user avatar
0 votes
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How are these transaction fingerprints colored?

For those unfamiliar, blockchains have two main types of data structures propagated in their networks: blocks and transactions. Each block and transaction has a hash, just like key fingerprints. The ...
Expectator's user avatar
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How to defend against adblock detection/adblock subscription leaks?

Is there a best practice (or useful extension) for defending against adblock fingerprinting techniques? I'm not asking about how to bypass adblock detection as such, but rather how one might appear ...
Lichtung's user avatar
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2 answers

How secure is the fingerprint sensor in the Pixel 3?

As far as I understand different fingerprint scanners have different security levels. Old fingerprint print scanners could be fooled quite easily as the CCC (Chaos Computer Club) demonstrated. How ...
Christian's user avatar
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When first connecting via SSH to my server, the reported fingerprint does not match that given to me when I generated the SSH key

When I used ssh-genkey on macOS to generate the pair of key files (one named with .pub), that tool reported a SHA256 hash as a public key fingerprint. When first connecting to my server, a Digital ...
Basil Bourque's user avatar
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Enumerating hosts running Elastic Stack

I am currently working on a project where I need to find a host running a SIEM solution. From my research I am fairly confident that the host is running Elastic Stack, probably within another solution ...
ficabj5's user avatar
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3 answers

When should TouchID/Fingerprint log-in expire?

I couldn't find such a standard which mention about TouchID or fingerprint log in expiration date. Suppose I have an application and allow users to log in using the fingerprint. I would like to know ...
Kong's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a way to find out what information website queries about us? [closed]

What tool or software should I look for to find out what "fingerprinting" data a website is tracking? Like, I want to know, if website looks for a cache and/or fonts installed in system, or Canval, ...
Anton's user avatar
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1 answer

Will disabling WebGL make me more or less unique on the internet?

I have wondered whether disabling WebGL will make me more or less unique, I fiddled around with to see what would happen. If I keep it enabled I am 1/205.66, with me ...
no nein's user avatar
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1 answer

Preventing OS fingerprinting

I am working on a project and I need to hide my Linux OS from nmap or other OS identification tools. I read many articles about TCP/IP stack and changed many properties such as TTL and packet size but ...
aahmed khiar's user avatar
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2 answers

How does google know if I am logging in from a new machine(using web browser)? [duplicate]

Every time i sign into my google account on a web browser on a new machine, it warns me of suspicious activity. How does google know its a new machine? I am trying to implement a similar thing for my ...
rvenkatesh's user avatar
2 votes
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Browser Fingerprinting to secure login

Is it a good Idea to identify if the user logging in is the actual user who created the account by using Browser fingerprinting? Basically do a bunch of checks just as they click sign in and if it ...
Samuel Stubbings's user avatar