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Repercussions of disabling file read and write in Adobe Flash player?

There are three settings in mms.cfg that I want to disable. It will disable file download and upload for Adobe Flash, but does it have any deeper issues? LocalFileReadDisable = 1 FileDownloadDisable =...
ankit dangi's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Is it dangerous to serve user-uploaded Flash (SWF) files?

I'm working on a site that has CMS functionality. I'm considering allowing users to upload Flash (.swf) files and then displaying them on my site. Is this a bad idea? Is there a way to do this ...
grin's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Why should crossdomain.xml be present if user-uploaded files exist?

In his book Michal Zalewski says: To protect your users, include a top-level crossdomain.xml file with the permitted-cross-domain-policies parameter set to master-only or by-content-type, even if ...
Andrei Botalov's user avatar