Questions tagged [flooding]

The flooding attack is used to overwhelm the server in some way for example using TCP SYN packets which reserves resources on the server for the connection or complete HTTP requests as executed by a bot net. It is closely related to DoS and DDoS attacks. Questions may be about preventing, detecting or even running (for testing purposes) such an attack.

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10 votes
4 answers

How can I detect and block bots?

For example, if I am on stackoverflow and I refresh my page several times in a row, it starts to think I am a bot and blocks me. How can I build something like this into my own site?
JD Isaacks's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

What are HTTP GET/POST flood attacks?

I want to know what the main differences are between HTTP GET and POST flood attacks and mitigation strategies for both. I searched a lot but I really can't find some good articles nor examples about ...
user19775's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Stopping DDOS TCP SYN and UDP flood attacks

I would like to know if it's possible to stop a TCP SYN OR ICMP Flood attacks if these attacks are detected at time. What is the most accurate process to filter these addresses if the only way is to ...
maya-bf's user avatar
  • 73