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Questions tagged [ip-spoofing]

IP spoofing, also known as IP address forgery or a host file hijack, is a hijacking technique in which a cracker masquerades as a trusted host to conceal his identity, spoof a Web site, hijack browsers, or gain access to a network.

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1 answer

Can someone spoof its IP address to mine when sending emails?

Can someone spoof its IP address to mine when sending emails? I know we can see the IP address of the sender in the email header. If someone had my IP, can he/she use it to show in email headers? Even ...
Mateus Alberghini's user avatar
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How to access web content protected by network ip? [closed]

I am testing a website that allows content fetch only when you access it from an IP a certain Wi-Fi network. However if you want to access the website from different network, you get the response of {&...
Richardson's user avatar
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2 answers

TCP with IP Spoofing, Is It Really Impossible?

I was reading: IP Spoofing with real IP when TCP 3-way handshake has been made Where the answer says: First of all, every TCP packet has a sequential identifier, which starts at a random position. (...
Rog's user avatar
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Client IP spoofing to carry out a TLS conversation, when the server only accepts connections from that client IP?

I am aware that IP spoofing can be used to carry out SYN flooding attacks, and impersonating servers. However, I have not been able to find detailed step-by-step attack scenarios: where the attacker (...
Starfish's user avatar
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Reasons why IP spoofing might fail

The way I understand is that if someone wants to pretend to be John Doe by using his IP address to conduct nefarious things on the internet, it would not be possible because traffic would only be one ...
Jay's user avatar
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Can this logic with regard to checking Reverse DNS records be flawed?

For my web app, I hardcode a reverse DNS detection for common web crawlers. And for detecting them I use their Reverse DNS, which I always check whether it includes i.e. My questions would ...
Munchkin's user avatar
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Is it safe to use conntrack on Linux bridge devices?

I have a server with a number of Linux bridge devices for use with groups of virtual machines - some internet-routed, some intentionally unrouted. I have stateful firewalling in place for traffic ...
anx's user avatar
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1 answer

Spoofed IP addresses basics

I've been dealing with a hack on a site. I ended up wiping it and starting again - this was no loss as it was a small site and all content was backed up - took a couple of hours to get going again. I ...
The Architect's user avatar
3 votes
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What prevents this specific type of attack from being viable?

Imagine a user has an ip of The server the user intends to connect to has an ip of An attacker has a machine with a promiscuous network card on the user's local network. The attacker ...
majneeds2chill's user avatar
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How does the NSA "masquerade as any routable IPv4 or IPv6 host"?

I was reading the Wikipedia article about TAO and there is written that: Details on a program titled QUANTUMSQUIRREL indicate NSA ability to masquerade as any routable IPv4 or IPv6 host. This enables ...
robertspierre's user avatar
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1 answer

Spoof IP address after a TCP handshake established

Is it possible to spoof the IP once a TCP handshake was performed successfully? For example: Perform the handshake Use the session with the same IP which performed handshake but on different machine ...
saguaro_water's user avatar
41 votes
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Can I change my public IP address to a specific one?

It happens that I participate in a bug hunting program and analyzing the app I realized that there is a particular parameter that is very important for access control and that only changes with the IP ...
Carlos Bello's user avatar
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Prevent IP session hijacking

I was thinking of the following scenario : a network is behind a router (performing NAT) and firewall this firewall denies all unsollicited incoming packet a user on a computer of the network opens a ...
DevShark's user avatar
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php / email / iis

in a certain page I have a newsletter subscription form, where the user enters his e-mail address and then through PHP an authenticated e-mail is sent to myself with the user's information (e-mail ...
MirrorMirror's user avatar
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Can Machine Learning be utilized to identify and track IP Spoofing?

"IP Spoofing" refers to changing source IP addresses so that the attack appears to be coming from someone else. When the victim replies to the address, it goes back to the spoofed address ...
Jakob's user avatar
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Is it possible to gather information about a destination-nat host?

Let's say that I'm connected to a network where the ISP has setup a dst-nat from an IP they don't control to an IP that they control,like so: 1- Their DNS server resolves to (the ...
MOHAMMAD RASIM's user avatar
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Whether ISPs provide path of Spoofed SYN Flood attack is the only way to trace the attack source?

The attacker spoofs SYN packets to attack a server. In this document: Spoofed Attack: A malicious user can also spoof the IP address on each SYN packet they send in order to inhibit mitigation ...
244boy's user avatar
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Why is SNMP vulnerable to IP Spoofing?

I read on Wikipedia's Article on SNMP SNMPv1 and v2 are vulnerable to IP spoofing attacks, whether it runs over TCP or UDP, and is a subject to bypassing device access lists that might have ...
PhantomR's user avatar
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Using IP as authentication

I have a bunch of users that are all behind the same VPN. My website (outside of the VPN) is supposed to be only accessible for these users. There is no guest for this VPN. My website is https only. ...
sam.zap's user avatar
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How and why is my site being abused?

I own a popular website that allows people to enter a phone number and get information back about that phone number, such as the name of the phone carrier. It's a free service, but it costs us money ...
Marc's user avatar
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How likely it is that a hacker spoofed my own IP address when trying to log in to a website?

I got a confirmation code without trying to log in which is what prompted me to investigate this. The account is just a Ubisoft account with 1 free game on it; I somehow doubt there would be ...
pete's user avatar
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Egress filtering - can it be relied upon on the Internet?

My understanding is that IP address spoofing would not be possible if all ISPs would be doing egress filtering. That is, each ISP would not allow any IP packet to go outside of it's network if it sees ...
Konstantin's user avatar
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Best way to let 2 servers communicate (with PHP) avoiding IP Spoofing?

Let's say I have my ServerB that accept any request and it checks the PHPSESSID and compares the IP saved into the session (thanks to session values) with the IP that made the HTTP request. The IP ...
Virgula's user avatar
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Is it possible to hijack specific e-mail with remote access? [closed]

I was recently presented with e-mails that look like they came from my e-mail and IP address but I didn't send them and never saw them. It is a back and forth correspondence with another gmail account....
DrTracii Kunkel's user avatar
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How do computers store printer presets?

When you connect to a printer on MacOS or Windows, the system stores the printer so you can connect to it later. Does anyone know which criteria is referenced to validate it is the same printer when ...
iamPres's user avatar
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38 votes
5 answers

Is it possible to spoof an IP address to an exact number? [closed]

The title says it all really. Say my IP address was and I wanted to change or 'spoof' it so that its exactly, would this be possible or are there too many varying factors that need to ...
James's user avatar
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Websocket connection spoofing

I have a websocket server, where client credentials get validated upon connecting and are never bothered again, since connections are stored in memory. I was wondering, a TCP connection is basically ...
php_nub_qq's user avatar
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How does IP traceback works? [closed]

In part prompted by the difficulties in determining the true origins of DDOS attacks featuring spoofed IP addresses, researchers have attempted to develop the concept of IP traceback: determining ...
Henok Tesfaye's user avatar
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health check to test haproxy -- request deny with 200. good idea?

I have been working on a multi-provider redundant load balancing solution using HAProxy, AWS, and Cloudflare. I have a solution, and I believe it will be secure, but I am looking for further ...
Muradin007's user avatar
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In ARP spoofing is it two MAC mapping to one IP address OR two IP mapping to one MAC address?

In ARP spoofing, is it two MACs mapping to one IP address OR two IPs mapping to one MAC address? As far as I understand, it should be two MACs mapping to one IP. But I came across this question which ...
Sunny Nehra's user avatar
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Topology Configuration on CheckPoint

On CheckPoint firewall (R77), in the Topology config. section that is used for anti-spoofing, is it possible to configure 2 different External interfaces? I have already an interface configured as ...
Supersharp's user avatar
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Can Whatsapp be MAC spoofed if the victim's device isn't on the same local network as the hacker's device?

I realize that MAC addresses are only used to tell different devices apart if they are on the same local network. So, what if they're not? Is MAC spoofing in Whatsapp still possible? Even if the ...
Jean Dieu's user avatar
-3 votes
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Legal advise concerning copyright infringement (BitTorrent) and Wi-Fi hacking [closed]

Someone has hacked into my Wi-Fi and downloaded a film, TV shows and other content over a 2 year period using BitTorrent, I am now being sued by a copyright infringement company. The TV programs as ...
user183502's user avatar
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Is it possible to hack into secured wifi and download with bit torrent from my IP address?

Is it possible to hack into secured wifi and download using BitTorrent from my IP address? I live in Denmark- if that makes any difference. We changed to a new WIFI service provider a few years back (...
David's user avatar
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7 votes
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Could an attacker spoof a whitelisted IP to access the network?

There is a network that is protected with a firewall and only one IP is whitelisted. Assuming the attacker knows the whitelisted IP, what would prevent an attacker from sending traffic via a spoofed ...
1234y's user avatar
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Is it safe to add IP address to SPF record

I am a programmer who manages online exchanges user also and i have been asked to add IP address to SPF record so that one of the application can hosted on Azure can send emails to user etc.. v=spf1 +...
Learning's user avatar
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Find out who sent email with my IP?

Recently my contact list was shared through some emails recently sent from my account. I would like to find out who did this as it has caused me some financial loss. When I look at the email header, ...
PattyS's user avatar
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Is IP spoofing possible in Windows Desktop with user privileges?

I read on WinSockAPI that IP spoofing is disabled for Desktop windows devices (non-servers like Windows 7, etc). However, I've been able to do IP spoofing using nmap, so clearly this is possible. ...
Daniel Grover's user avatar
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Web server responding to an HTTP request from a spoofed IP address

Hypothetically speaking - if my web server gets an http request for a given file, say default.html, and let's say the requesting IP address has been spoofed, what happens when my server responds to ...
Peggy Schafer's user avatar
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Does Session hijacking/IP spoofing happen in real time?

I was reading an e-book about different types of attacks and found this: A skilled hacker can intercept DNS replies from servers and replace the IP addresses for the requested names with addresses ...
romulox's user avatar
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Someone signed up to a website using my Email address and was created from my IP, but with a different browser? [closed]

Can anyone tell me if this is a hack? otherwise how did they use my email, a different browser and my IP address to create the account? Any help would be much appreciated
Chris 's user avatar
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Why is IP spoofing still possible?

What are valid usages? Why don't ISPs prevent this by default? Do any major ISPs do this already?
Meir Maor's user avatar
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How realistic is it to spoof a specific UDP IP address? [duplicate]

Let's say that I'm a malicious user Bob and I have found a vulnerability in an application that will allow me to impersonate another user, Alice. Alice is connected to 'X' server with her IP address (...
Travinsky's user avatar
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Is it possible to successfully send a spoofed UDP header with a completely unrelated source IP?

I've read that many networks use ingress/egress filtering to eliminate the number of spoofed UDP packets sent and received by their network. Given that network provides have been much more diligent ...
Barkley's user avatar
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The main difference between IP and ARP spoofing

My question can be broken into two parts: ARP spoofing attack can appear in various ways but all of them have a similar goal: Take advantage of the lack of L2 authentication by poisoning the target ...
Mike's user avatar
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What is Ingress filtering and how does it work?

I know that Ingress filtering is used to try and verify that a packet actually came from the ip address that it claims to have come from. But how is it possible to verify this when all you have is the ...
user3685285's user avatar
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Why I am getting logs from Class E IP addresses (Research - Reserved), and my IPS being blocked with threat name "IP Address Spoofed"

Source : Destination : Both IP's do not belong to us. Direction was Inbound. How is this possible? Then why are these IP addresses routed to my network ?
user95437's user avatar
-1 votes
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Best way to keep anonymity inside a VM

If I use a proxy shield inside a VM and spoof my IP address, is there any possibility that someone else ( victim ) can identify the host machine's IP and other details? What is the best way that we ...
user3496510's user avatar
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How to get user location using real IP [duplicate]

I recently heard this question: Can some guys track u using your IP address (what if this guy has access to ISP)? And I can't find an answer to this question. Because, I think 99% of people who ...
Milad Na's user avatar
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Iptables rules to prevent IP Spoofing

We had following below iptables rules that exist in our web front-end boxes to prevent IP Spoofing: -A INPUT -s -j LOG --log-prefix "Spoofed source IP" -A INPUT -s -j ...
Zama Ques's user avatar
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