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2 answers

What are the potential security risks of using a commercial VPN service?

Commercial VPN services are gaining a lot of popularity and some of them are heavily advertising their products on social media networks and technology magazines today. The advantages of using such ...
Prototype700's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How do VPNs protect identity without assuming legal blame?

I understand that a VPN is basically a computer (or a collection of computers) that encrypts and proxies your internet traffic. One popular use of a VPN is to pirate software or movies. The VPN keeps ...
Raisin Bran Dan's user avatar
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WannaCry ransomware backtrace [closed]

Can law-enforcement agency trace the source of code, emails or bitcoins destination to catch criminals? After all, someone will get these bitcoins and someone will be using a computer to do it?
murmansk's user avatar
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2 answers

Testing network ACLs from blocked CIDR ranges

I have a requirement to drop network traffic from countries which the United States is under an embargo with. Dropping traffic from certain CIDR blocks is trivial to do with AWS VPC, but I am curious ...
TFerrell's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

How to determine if a VPN provider respects data confidentiality?

I've read about why I really should use a VPN and I've been looking into different providers, but there's one thing I'm worried about. Can't a VPN provider just look at my traffic all they want and ...
storm's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

How does the Copyright Alert System work? Who has implemented it?

Some ISPs are participating in a Copyright Alert System that notifies content authors of violations of their copyright. I'm concerned how this oversight relates to my private traffic, and what laws ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

Best way to report a foreigner attacker's ip to authorities?

I have been under attack last week and I was able to trace down the attacker and get his IP address. The attacker was located in Germany but I live out of Europe? From your experience what is the ...
HEX's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

What are the laws regarding ISP recording IP addresses? How would they know who had which?

Since most internet users have ISPs using dynamic IP addresses (e.g. someone gets a new external IP address every few days) are there any laws requiring the ISPs to keep logs associating an IP address ...
Celeritas's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

How can citizens prevent government-led Internet blackouts?

The United Nations now considers Internet access a basic human right. [PDF] Despite the questionable effectiveness of Internet blackouts in silencing a populace and preventing uprisings1, it's ...
Nick's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Issues with the use of network surveillance tool in your company?

What issues will we face with the use of network surveillance tool in the company network with respect to the Telecommunication Interception Act and Privacy Act ? And what policies could be ...
CoderedTr's user avatar