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Suspicious incoming connection attempts from random IPv6 addresses on local network on macOS

I've been using Little Snitch on my Macbook and I have since a long time a rule to alert on any incoming IPv6 connection, which would be suspicious since I use IPv4 only. Since a couple of days I've ...
Rolf W.'s user avatar
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Can a computer/MacBook be compromised/infected/hacker simply be requesting/attempt to join a network?

I was finishing a clean installation of macOS Catalina on my MacBook, and I was asked to select a wifi network. I misclicked on a wifi network with a name that's very similar to mine and was asked to ...
Ecotistician's user avatar
6 votes
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Is there malware on my mac?

So, a funny thing just happened. I have my (personal) mac connected to the wired enterprise network and have for several months. Today, a couple of guys from IT came busting through the door saying ...
Ryan's user avatar
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18 votes
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Running windows in virtual machine, should I bother with security?

I'm running Windows in a virtual machine on my mac (via Parallels). Should I bother installing antivirus, firewall and using other conventional wisdom practices (like don't open unknown .exe etc)? I ...
KingBOB's user avatar
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Is checking out network traffic for suspected malware useless if the malicious actor is in a different timezone? [closed]

I had recently upgraded from OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) to OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) from a bootable drive that the Genius Bar of one of the my city's Apple stores has, and I installed the 10.11.1 update ...
oats58459's user avatar
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Removing malware which is creating temp file and modifying network traffic [duplicate]

I am on OSX 10.9.2, please note I have included several URLs in my post, this is not spam this is due to the nature of the malware. I have just discovered I have malware on my computer after noticing ...
George Reith's user avatar