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Questions tagged [memory]

Computer memory refers to a physical device that is used to store sequences of instructions (programs) or data (program state information) on a temporary or permanent basis for use in a computer.

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4 votes
1 answer

Why does this malicious code work? (Lua, FFI)

Below is a sandboxed Lua script that uses FFI to execute malicious C code. A fixed memory address is used to load a windows function GetProcAddress which is subsequently used to run a powershell ...
Matias Vuorio's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How does an eBPF program cause a kernel panic?

According to this RedHat knowledge base entry CrowdSource has similarly caused a kernel panic on Linux as well with eBPF program. My question is how is this possible? eBPF is described as, eBPF ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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Is it possible to hide a secret value from my own processes on Linux?

I have an application with a shared secret. This application runs as my user. However, Linux has the /proc directory, and particularly /proc/{pid}/mem and /proc/{pid}/maps. Any process created with ...
Cort Ammon's user avatar
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Can and should a penetration test report include an informational note about not having used a (by-design) memory-safe programming language?

Firstly, a quote from a good article about the importance of memory safety by How common are memory safety vulnerabilities? Extremely. A recent study found that 60-70% of ...
Bob Ortiz's user avatar
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What are the security concerns from failing to unpin memory?

I am trying to understand the implication of CVE-2023-40791. The CVE reads: "Linux kernel before 6.4.12 fails to unpin pages in certain situations". NetApp says this could lead to ...
Munazh's user avatar
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1 answer

Examining linux memory dump with signs of compromise in yarascan

I have captured a memory dump of recent Ubuntu 22.04 kernel 6.2.0-39-generic. captured image with LiMe and analyzed with volatility3. did a yarascan against all known rules and found a suspicious ...
Zzgooloo's user avatar
1 vote
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Can malware detect memory dumping?

Morning, I recently had need to check for malware on my PC by dumping the memory and searching for unwanted processes which could be malware, my question it's, is it possibile for malware to detect ...
Hopkins's user avatar
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Downsides of increased ASLR entropy

ASLR allows to randomize the base address of userspace applications. In Linux, the length of the randomized part of the mmap address can be specified via the kernel build config. It is bound by the ...
user5626466's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

execute command in go without storing the command in a .exe file

I am trying to do a go program to execute a .exe file, but without be actually a .exe file. The idea is to read the executable from a .txt file and decode it (it is in base64). Once I have that code ...
P00's user avatar
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1 answer

Do frequently crashing programs pose a bigger security threat than stable programs?

If I have an app that's frequently and randomly crashing, will it impose a bigger security threat (e.g: possible attack vector) than apps that are stable? Or are both apps equally protected from such ...
AvidSeeker's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to check if a PCI device is trusted or untrusted by the Linux kernel (for IOMMU)?

I am looking into the protection provided by IOMMU against DMA attacks. I noticed that the Linux kernel provides a feature called bounce buffers for untrusted PCI devices (
sammy17's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

accessing ELF in memory (Unix/Linux)

On Linux (and maybe UNIX), you can access and even modify process's stack with things like ptrace, process_vm_ready, etc., but is there a way to access the copy of the binary that's being executed ...
R-Rothrock's user avatar
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DLL Injection Win32 API

I want to know which Win32 API functions a certain executable calls. The executable is a 32-bit application. I know what steps to take to perform a DLL injection and hook an API function. However, ...
Pieter Jansen's user avatar
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How to decrypt SSHv2 using AES-256 session keys from memory dump?

How to decrypt the plaintext contents of an SSH session from a PCAP file and SSHv2 AES session keys from a memory dump. I have the full PCAP for the SSH sessions, including the initial handshake and ...
Wesley Jones's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to extract a .bat file with volatility

I am experimenting with the volatility2 tool. I have created a memorydump of a windows 7 machine where i had a batch script file on the desktop of the machine. I used the mftparser command as : ...
bd55's user avatar
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2 answers

what is the safest way to open/decrypt an encrypted gpg/pgp file in memory | gnu/linux debian?

I would like to open/decrypt an encrypted gpg/pgp file in the main memory without leaving any footprints on the file system including swap,etc. what is the safest option on a gnu/linux debian from ...
Z0OM's user avatar
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1 answer

Why would garbage collection be a problem in password managers?

I was reading an infosec user's take on the LastPass data breach and noted something odd in his commentary on another password manager system (emphasis mine) I have not done a thorough code review, ...
Machavity's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How can two identical no-PIE binaries run simultaneously?

As I understood it (probably incorrectly) when a no-PIE binary gets loaded into memory it always has the same absolute base address. This doesn't make sense to me. Consider the exact same program ...
Alexander Haas's user avatar
1 vote
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Cuckoo dump a PE file from a memory dump?

Can Cuckoo extract PE files from a memory dump or record the import table of the running process? I need to record the import table in PE not the called/executed API from the process. There is Process-...
0xh3xa's user avatar
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Data remanence - DDR2

I read "Data Remanence in Semiconductor Devices" by Peter Gutmann, in which it is stated that it is possible to reconstruct the content of an erased SRAM based on changes of properties of ...
Hasbo's user avatar
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Could a no code module injected to memory phenomenon in the process tree of the steam.exe file be suspicious?

I found a page, which analyzing memory processes ( After the searches, it didn't find anything harmful, but in the detailed analysis I found a module without code, which ...
user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What is the function of Intel's Total Memory Encryption (TME)?
Grant Curell's user avatar
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How do I go about analysing VirusTotal and Hatching Triage's memdumps?

I normally use volatility to analyse memory dumps, however, in this case it doesn't seem to be working. I get a "Symbol table not found" kind of error, even though I have downloaded and ...
CBot's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a way to get Windows login password hint from SAM hive with volatility?

We know that every user in Windows has a password hint. This password hint is stored in the SAM hive, more specifically in the SAM\Domains\Account\Users path. Is there a way to extract this password ...
bd55's user avatar
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1 answer

Can malware override and execute any memory location or it has to be specific?

Rather primitive Malware using Python3 and similar already available software on the victim's machine (which can also be compiled using PyInstaller/pycom if not) has the capability to override the ...
Sir Muffington's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to extract a RSA private key from an ssh-agent core dump

I need to extract an RSA private key from an ssh-agent core dump running on ubuntu 20.04. I believe the ssh version is the latest. I have tried many Linux tools with no luck. I also wrote a python ...
Wesley Jones's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Confused about memory examination using gdb

I started reading "Hacking, The Art of Exploitation" and I am confused about some things regarding memory examination. When I disassemble main, I get an output of all memories where the ...
jprossv's user avatar
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sensitive data exposure from RAM memory [duplicate]

I have software written in C# and compiled as a .exe file. How can I read sensitive data (like usernames, passwords, etc.) from RAM while it runs?
p.soheyli's user avatar
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How hard is it to modify UEFI nvram if the device is off and the UEFI is locked?

This assumes that: Machine is powered off No UEFI backdoors No Reflashing the firmware No clearing the NVRAM (The point is to modify/read a small amount of NVRAM, instead of resetting it) Device ...
A-random-nerd's user avatar
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1 answer

Why it's safe to use used RAM?

As we know, instructions are stored in RAM. So, can I embed a controller chip (or something like this) that can change the content of RAM? (e.g. change the Windows 10 boot instructions into malicious ...
Hanbi's user avatar
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2 answers

XD/NX Bit in UNIX [Memory Security]

I have been reading about XD/NX bit used in Memory Pages for security. I understand it is a security feature that can help reduce system exposure to viruses and malicious code. If enabled, processor ...
Aishwarya's user avatar
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Is it possible to inject code using physical memory access to jailbreak phones?

Is it possible to inject code into RAM using physical access? For example desolder the RAM chips, solder something between the original RAM chip and the phone motherboard, and use that to directly ...
userdatagram's user avatar
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Cold boot attack on NAS

I'm familiar with the concept of cold boot attacks on laptop and desktop computers, where the goal is to find hidden encryption keys in the memory. I also think it's done on certain mobile phones. I ...
laddmeister's user avatar
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C - Remote string format attack exploit - %n Does not seem to write anything on the stack

[As part of a ctf] I am trying to exploit a remote server through a tcp connection. The server is using snprintf() and provides user input as the formatting string. My goal is to dump the stack. ...
Desperados's user avatar
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1 answer

What does leak in memory/info leaks?

When a binary is running and there is some memory/info leak are there areas of program (or OS?) memory which are more prone to leak and is a leak in one segment worse than in another segment?
larsmitsars's user avatar
2 votes
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Finding Officejet 8600's bulit-in RAM

Before I give away my dead HP Officejet 8600 Pro for recycling, I want to ensure that no memory remains on it. Even after extensive research, it's not easy to find conclusive information on whether a ...
Enwater's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Child processes vs microservices for communication between components

This is a question for operating system security experts. We have an application using one platform/language, and it has to integrate with a library that uses another platform/language. There is no ...
fernacolo's user avatar
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64 Bit ELF Buffer Overflow Not working possibly due to if statement

I wrote the following: #include <stdio.h> int win(){ printf("Won!\n"); return 0; } int vulnerable(){ char buffer[20]; memset(buffer, 0, 10); printf("Input: &...
Greg Gregson's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Memory encryption against memory leaks

Will memory encryption (or compression) provided by Intel or AMD processors protect against attacks like HeartBleed or similar memory leaks?
ScreechingMultimeterNoises's user avatar
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"Intercepting" executable with FTK Imager

I want to analyze the traces of a program in my VM by executing it and then capturing the memory and disk using FTK Imager. However, it looks like --given the environment I have-- the program only ...
Néstor Llop's user avatar
3 votes
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Does Intel's vPro TME make a locked screen more secure?

This post seems on point but I didn't understand the answer enough to answer this question. Intel's vPro offers "Total Memory Encryption" (TME), which encrypts RAM and system bus data while ...
user847's user avatar
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-1 votes
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code and memory safety issues

I'm preparing for a computer security exam, and I found this question in previous exams To create an authentication program, we write a check_auth function as follows: int check_auth(char *password) {...
Bella's user avatar
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Buffer overread

I am trying to understand buffer overread in my course in school. This code is an example from one of the lectures where buffer overread can be a problem. However, I do not understand how buffer ...
Mohammed Abdu's user avatar
2 votes
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What does Snowden mean by "majority of vulnerabilities ... are introduced, for technical reasons ..., at the exact time the code is written"?

In a recent Substack article ("The Insecurity Industry", 2021-07-26) Edward Snowden writes: The vast majority of vulnerabilities that are later discovered and exploited by the Insecurity ...
Arminius's user avatar
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Create memory image of infected machine without risk

I am pretty new in the security world and I am writing a procedure on how to create a memory image of an infected machine for forensics. The problem is that the machine does not have the tools for ...
Rémy Legrand's user avatar
4 votes
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Process Injection and Process Isolation by OS

If the OS is responsible for ensuring that one process cannot access another process memory space, and the point of process isolation is to keep processes separate from one another, then how can a ...
chephato's user avatar
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Memory Forensics on exited process

I am new to memory forensics. When a process in Windows is ended are all artifacts for the process in memory gone? I ask because my EDR solution gives me the local process ID of a process I am ...
antmar904's user avatar
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How useful are memory forensic tools for detecting active attacks (considering current devices)

Are memory forensic tools useful for attack detection? Usually they are applied after an attack has happened. You could always constantly scan a machine but this requires lots of resources and ...
SauceAsAService's user avatar
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Disable memory scrambling [closed]

Is it possible to disable memory scrambling for RAM? Can you change what kind of algorithm is used? Can you check from inside the OS which is using the memory if/what scrambling is in use? Do devices ...
SauceAsAService's user avatar
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How do memory resident viruses work?

Two part question: 1-How do memory resident viruses stay in memory after the program which loaded them is finalized? If all memory is automatically deallocated by the OS once a program is finished, ...
galmeida's user avatar
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