Questions tagged [multi-tenancy]

Multi-tenancy involves a single software instance serving multiple groups, each of which has specific privileges to maintain separation of concerns.

8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Multi-tenant SPA with multiple OIDC providers

I'm building a multi-tenant app that has the unusual requirement of allowing tenants to use their own choice of external systems for login/authentication ie: tenant 1 uses Azure AD, tenant 2 uses ...
Neil Thompson's user avatar
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Sharing individually encrypted elements between users of a system

I'm creating a file sharing system, in which the unique key of a file is one of the critical components to the retrieval of that file. For simplicity, lets say the unique keys are the file names. I'd ...
David Goldbarsht's user avatar
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How should SQL Server users be managed for a multi-tenant application?

I've looked extensively for a duplicate question, but I couldn't find anything that answers this question exactly. I have a SQL Server that will be used to store data for a multi-tenant application. ...
NicholaiRen's user avatar
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Which OAuth2 flow should I use?

Context I'm trying to build an hybrid multi-tenant API using OAuth2.0 using Laravel 8 Passport, so my system has 2 parts: one process the request from the tenant application, and the other part ...
Ger's user avatar
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Risks associated with a compromised external Security token server

Consider the following architecture: An on premise Web API 2 [Written in C# hosted in IIS] which uses OAuth 2 authentication [ Implicit Flow ] to secure itself. This API acts as the data source by ...
MHOOS's user avatar
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Does a shared (but encrypted) private key for a group of users reduce the effectiveness of the encryption?

That is, is it generally considered more secure to save a single application-wide private key on the web server compared to storing (protected/encrypted) private keys in the database? More ...
James's user avatar
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Security concerns over predictable URLs in a multi-tenant environment

Consider a multi-tenant SaaS application that uses domain names to identify which customer to serve. Customers access the application using,, etc. The ...
Appleoddity's user avatar
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Secure authentication for sites which allow user to modify js/html

We have a site builder, allows users to add/modify JS/HTML/CSS. Is it possible to provide a global authentication for it? I mean users login once but can interact with all sites as their own names. ...
hjahan's user avatar
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