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Questions tagged [obfuscation]

Obfuscation refers to hiding the intended meaning of communication.

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4 votes
1 answer

How can I identify open-source JavaScript libraries within minified code?

These days, most websites minify & concatenate their code. Are there techniques to identify open-source libraries within minified, concatenated code? I'm mostly interested so I can focus analysis ...
paj28's user avatar
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0 answers

Can anyone decipher this .BAT malware? [closed]

Its a 3.37MB batch file. When opened in Notepad/++ it's all Chinese and some unknown characters. It's still remaining largely undetectable despite being launched in the wild more than 2 days ago, ...
Roco Petta's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Obfuscated HTML [closed]

I'm looking at a potential phishing site and I see that some of the HTML is obfuscated. It's not Base64. All the links look like this: <link href="6bkaQeQe69e/st-...
Robert909's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Found several potentially malicious PHP files but not sure what they are doing? [duplicate]

A friend found several suspicious PHP files on his server when we was upgrading his Wordpress install. They are all in the public_html folder and the filenames are the name of his domain with ...
John T's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Code obfuscation and source code repositories

As I understand, code obfuscation is used to make reverse engineering difficult/hard for the adversaries/red team. Now if I use a source code obfuscator where a .C/.CPP file is used as input and an ...
Baranikumar Venkatesan's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Best port to setup Outline VPN for obfuscation

Many outline access keys use a random port but some do 443, I’ve found out since port 443 is for http its harder to find out that port is using a vpn. So the question is, why don’t other Outline ...
Emily1001's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Who can we read the contents of the variable? Which format is used? [closed]

We are not IT security specialists but we are very curious to know more about a scam we received through mail. We received a mail with a HTML file attached. The subject of the mail looked very ...
Yori's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

DomainFronting - re-routing and SSL certificats

I'm looking for a specific answer regarding the TLS handshake in a scenario of domain-fronting. Following hensonsecurity and zscaler blogs I have noticed that a detailed description regarding the re-...
user281868's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

UUIDs replacing inremental IDs in URLs

I am reading about implementing UUIDs in URLs instead of incremental IDs to reduce attack vectors using obfuscation. I plan to create a UUID from an incremental ID and store the UUID which would be ...
myol's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to eavesdrop HTTPS encryptions by file size?

I see that HTTPS uses symmetric encryption for the file transfer, often AES. I also read that AES uses padding to help obfuscate the data itself. Though I am curious how powerful that padding is when ...
Brock's user avatar
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103 votes
5 answers

Can I safely preview a short link?

There are a lot of different URL shorteners out there, like Bitly or TinyURL. Besides their main purpose of shortening a link, they also: obfuscate the actual URL collect statistics about the usage ...
stackprotector's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

What does this potentially malicious php code do? [duplicate]

Somebody hacked my webserver and uploaded many of the following files with random names in different subdirectories of my webroot. The file looks something like this and - even though I managed to ...
JohnTheWalker's user avatar
31 votes
16 answers

How can I prove to users that my obfuscated code is not malicious without unobfuscating?

I created my own anti-adblock system, that does something similar to services like BlockAdblock except mine goes about Adblocker detection in a different manner (and so far cannot be bypassed like ...
pigeonburger's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

What is this obfuscated JS code trying to do? [closed]

I received phishing email that contains base64 encrypted JS code in the attachment. I decrypted it but can't understand it because of obfuscation. Do you guys have any clue what this code is trying to ...
user16467459's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is the -L (list) option of iptables not available to non-root users?

Many tools in Linux allow for checking things as a non-root user. For example, at any time, I can check whether a service is running: $ systemctl status ntp However, the iptables needs to be used as ...
Alexis Wilke's user avatar
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1 answer

PHP code in image file

My drupal website was getting hacked recently. While cleaning up the malicious scripts, I found that the hacker uploaded an image file (sites/default/files/test.jpg) contains below code. ...
cww's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Obfuscating android malware [closed]

I am exploring android malware forensics and am trying out payload generation and delivery, while also trying obfuscation. I have used commercial tools, e.g. ProGuard and also open sourced tools, eg. ...
chunzx's user avatar
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2 answers

How to secure containerized python source code deployed at client side cloud

How can we secure a source code which is deployed at client side cloud and is difficult to reverse engineer just like a licensed product The major difference is that I have a service to protect and do ...
Mudra's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

.Net dll encryption

By nature, .NET assemblies are extremely easy to reverse engineer. Say I want to hide some code by embedding an encrypted .dll into another .dll that is to be decrypted and loaded at runtime: compile ...
CTZStef's user avatar
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1 answer

Passwords stored as obfuscated text, not encrypted

An application I admin (but did not develop or implement) claims to be storing passwords in a database using “reversible encryption.” I have access to the database table, and was able to work out that ...
thesnow's user avatar
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2 answers

How to Prevent Copying of Device Source Code in Manufacturing

Suppose you are going to mass manufacture custom circuit boards and would like the manufacturer to upload the device firmware onto these boards before shipping them out. What are some security systems/...
Marzden's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

What does this obfuscated PHP script do? [duplicate]

I found an obfuscated PHP-script in a log directory on a shared hosting, which had been given chmod 0777 by mistake. The script in it's original form looks like this: $zowyb = 'i#7uH0_ls5y4m*bcrovaptf-...
Magnus's user avatar
  • 253
1 vote
1 answer

Is it possible for a javascript malware to put keylogger extension in my browser? [duplicate]

I clicked on "It's like you" virus in Facebook Messenger. Then I archived the original link with (, and during the process the site showed me this: https://pastebin....
lekenczey_muki's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Securing client side code of react application [duplicate]

I'm developing application with react and all the main logic is on the client side. I want to force users to use the application only if they paid for the app subscription. Are there any methods to ...
mikereverichi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

The hidden meaning of the source code of the malware?

I'm studying the source code of malware developed in c++ and I have two questions in the source code below This is probably code that loads malicious dlls into memory. typedef BOOL (WINAPI *...
useeffect's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to decrypt a file to memory and run it from memory?

How someone might run an encoded executable, mp3, or any other file safely in memory after being decrypted. A use case might be someone trying to make code or a file only usable through their service ...
Cayne Brister2's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Mixing VPN Protocols

Is there any benefit to mixing vpn protocols as far as obfuscating your traffic. Would a multiple hop setup like (openvpn(server1) + wireguard(server2)) be better or is (openvpn(server1) + openvpn(...
bakingsoda's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Traffic obfuscation under targeted surveillance

When you are under targeted surveillance and all of your internet traffic is tapped (including parts where you exit from a VPN to the internet), is there any point in using traffic obfuscation? It won'...
witchdoctor's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Hiding Tor traffic to prevent deanonymization

I am trying to figure out what is the best way to hide Tor traffic in order to improve anonymity. While Tor is pretty good at hiding users’ IP addresses, its traffic stands out. This can be ...
Gregoire42's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Would Indistinguishability obfuscation make Javascript cryptography viable?

I know Javascript Cryptography is considered harmful because: Secure delivery of Javascript to browsers is a chicken-egg problem. Browser Javascript is hostile to cryptography. The "view-source&...
Garrett Motzner's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Obfuscating an .exe file

Is there a way to obfuscate an existing .exe file? I'm in a situation where I cannot transfer the winPEAS.exe file (for PrivEsc purposes) on a Win10 machine because of the AV blocking the executable. ...
1afx0's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Does "Security By Obfuscation" have any place in good security practices? [duplicate]

One thing I've had hammered into me by pretty much every security expert I've talked to is that security by obfuscation is not a substitute for actual security measures. However, it has me wondering; ...
Bitsplease's user avatar
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0 answers

How to protect IP-sensitive data in files generated and used by users

I'm working on an offline windows application that generates and loads key results as files. However, these files provide key insights into how our product works internally. To make matters worse my ...
hasdrubal's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I protect me from... myself?

So, here is the deal: I have a file I cannot change. I cannot, but I know in the future I will want to change it. It's of my understanding that it's not possible to make this file unchangeable while ...
chedieck's user avatar
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0 answers

Insecure Binary protection iOS Pentest Report

Thirdparty pentest company reported their findings in our iOS app. In the report explanation for this vulnerability is Apple provides default encryption for applications; however, the encryption ...
titus's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Who (Designer or User) Should be Resposible for the Correct/Secure Usage of a Tool Intended for Developers/Admins? [closed]

There is a healthy debate around a series of stack overflow posts that refer to the "RunAs" command. Specifically the discussion is in reference to design decision that the folks at ...
David Rogers's user avatar
101 votes
4 answers

Why is this 435 × 652 pixel JPEG over 6 MB?

This was, before someone helpfully fixed it after seeing this question, a relatively unassuming and tiny photo of a ̶f̶i̶s̶h̶ nudibranch, with 283,620 pixels. It has some metadata: text Exif tags as ...
David's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

obfuscating a Cython source code [closed]

After some research on how I can protect my python source code on similar topics here and other sites, most agree that I should convert my .py file to .pyd using Cython, but the problem is in the ...
mr.m's user avatar
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1 answer

I obfuscated my commercial software, i lost source [closed]

I obfuscated my web software with srcProtector and I archived files, I uploaded a new version of the software on the website. The problem is I forgot to copy files in a new path for backup. VERY VERY ...
Thos-Host's user avatar
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Is using SecureString in combination with Xor considered secure enough for standalone Windows app?

The environment is Windows. We are using 3rd party tools in our app, and for tools to work they require method call and pass a license key that is a string. License.Import(string name, string email, ...
Matas Vaitkevicius's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can someone decode this for me?

I decoded some of the original traffic from hex and got the below output. I'm not sure how to decode it further. Any help? Thanks. T=2020-04-10+13:27:30.758+PST&L=i&M=[g2tray]&N=22&X=...
Neo Son's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Banking App With Sensitive Info In Plain Text

I have a car loan and wanted to make a payment through their website. To enroll for online payments, it asks for the last 4 numbers of my social security number, birth date and account number, but ...
Grafica's user avatar
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1 answer

Help with decoding this? Base64 attack [closed]

I'm trying to decode this attack. I know it's attempting to send some kind of malicious command to the web server but I can't figure out how to decode it. It's like encoded more than once or something....
Neo Son's user avatar
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0 answers

Packaging Python code for github: should I obfuscate author email address from the ``?

The standard file with packaging instructions ( with setuptools) for Python contains an author_email field. Such a package can then be published to PyPI, but the code is also available ...
PlasmaBinturong's user avatar
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Securely unpack malware

I'm trying to find a way to securely unpack Windows Malware packed with UPX, I need to unpack a lot for analysis so automating the process as much as possible is beneficial. I've found a few methods ...
w13rfed's user avatar
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1 answer

Should I complie software after making all the variable and function names "1-2 character"? [duplicate]

In JavaScript, it seems common for the official release of the code to use only single-character variable and function names (of course, after converting the original code which uses clearer names) in ...
ChocolateOverflow's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can I obfuscate a 64-bit executable Windows file? [closed]

Hyperion works OK when scrambling/obfuscating win32 files, but I am trying a program that seems to be a Win64 executable, and it fails: C:\Hyperion>hyperion.exe -v mimikatz.exe output.exe -------...
Sopalajo de Arrierez's user avatar
79 votes
5 answers

Does code obfuscation give any measurable security benefit?

I've always firmly held the belief that obfuscation is essentially useless. Obfuscated code is not impossible to read, only harder to read. I had the belief that a sufficiently skilled attacker would ...
user avatar
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What are good examples of "Dynamic opaque predicates"?

I am studying the concept of software obfuscation and come across this interesting scheme, dynamic opaque predicate: Basically it either goes two false branches, or two true branches, and ...
lllllllllllll's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How can Runtime-Crypters stay FUD

A Runtime Crypter always works with the same principle: It decrypts its payload, starts up a process in suspended state, inserts the payload and resumes the suspended process under false flag. All ...
MenNotAtWork's user avatar