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Wannacry testing in lab - Not getting SMB scan attempts

So I booted up two windows 7 64bit sp1 versions in virtualbox and shared their network and the operating systems are vulnerable to the SMB exploit that the wannacry ransomware is using. The Issue is ...
Farzad Henareh's user avatar
4 votes
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What does Memory Scanning refer to in the Context of Malware Detection Wanna Cry

When reading It mentions: It is almost impossible to protect against new malware that will use the ...
ilikeyoyo's user avatar
1 vote
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How did Wanna Cry get past Antivirus Programs

For those who had windows computers when the WannaCry virus hit, how exactly did the virus bypass antivirus programs. I have tried to read some papers about this, but I don't understand how exactly ...
ilikeyoyo's user avatar