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Why is "not storing data protection keys" not a popular choice?

In the NIST SP 800-132, they specified two ways to use the data protection key (DPK) that is derived from a password. One of them is to use the DPK to encrypt data, and then, if I am not mistaken, ...
GuteShel's user avatar
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Is pass -> [via pbkdf2] -> seed -> ECDSA key pair better than pass(word) hashing?

For a web service, I am considering generating random 25-49 recovery codes as a kind of pass that can be stored in a pass manager (no usernames). Instead of pass(word) hashing on the server, I ...
r j's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

BCrypt vs PBKDF2-SHA256

I read that LastPass uses PBKDF2-SHA256 for storing the Master Password hash, I wonder how this compares to BCrypt and why did they chose this, as SHA256 is a quick hash (probably compensated by PKDF2?...
mFeinstein's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Protecting Passwords Using Short Hash Length

Does anybody use deliberately short hash lengths for passwords to increase the chance of false positive collisions in the event of a brute force attack on the database? When trying to decide on a ...
Vectorjohn's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Is there any recommended approach for "upgrading" MD5 hashes to something secure? [duplicate]

I'm currently dealing with a couple of user accounts containing MD5 hashed passwords. These accounts got migrated from an old system into our current system which uses PBKDF2 for password hashing. I ...
concerned citizen's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there any problem using empty salts with PBDKF for this purpose?

The aim is to generate a secure key for symmetric encryption. I have a master password, from which I want to generate the key for symmetric encryption, in order to encrypt other passwords. The idea ...
Julen's user avatar
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1 answer

MD5 before PBKDF2 on legacy software

I am mantaining a legacy software that uses MD5 in the following way: The client asks for a 16 byte salt when authenticating an account. The server generates a 16 byte salt, links it to the account ...
RenatoUtsch's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

LastPass One Time Recovery Passwords--How?

The LastPass password manager stores One Time Recovery Passwords locally in each browser you use the plugin with: My question is, how can you have more ...
John's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Trying to understand password hashing

I am trying to get a grasp of password hashing. Back in the days it seemed so simple, just MD5(password + salt) and you are done. Then md5 was proven to have collisions so people started moving to ...
Chris Dale's user avatar
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34 votes
5 answers

Is it possible to increase the cost of BCrypt or PBKDF2 when its already calculated and without the original password?

I just wanted to know if you can increase the cost (iterations) of those two algorithms off-line. I want to increase the cost every year of my users passwords. One solution is to recalculate them when ...
skantos's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Does NIST really recommend PBKDF2 for password hashing?

We hesitated between BCrypt and PBKDF2 for password hashing. In many forums and blogs people say something like "In their Special Publication SP 800-132 NIST basically recommends using PBKDF2 for ...
Lachezar Balev's user avatar
47 votes
2 answers

Are there more modern password hashing methods than bcrypt and scrypt?

This question made me start thinking about password hashing again. I currently use bcrypt (specifically py-bcrypt). I've heard a lot about PBKDF2, and scrypt. What I'm wondering is if there are any "...
Brendan Long's user avatar
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