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Questions tagged [passwords]

Specific to the security of passwords: hashing, entropy, cracking, resets, lockouts, etc.

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50 votes
5 answers

Should a bank be able to shorten your password without your involvement?

The bank of a friend changed password policy, such that you are limited to 20 characters. However, he used 24 letters before and thus was not able to log in anymore. He called his advisor, who ...
Wulle's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Is there a way to store a verification-hash of a secret on a 'consumer HSM' like Yubikey or another WebAuthn device?

Context: I'm trying to design an SRS solution for your personal secrets - "Anki for passwords." (This is mostly a learning-exercise, to help me develop my intuition for writing secure(-ish?) ...
ELLIOTTCABLE's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Why does having default router credentials pose a risk? [duplicate]

When I got to I am greeted with my router login page and can go change some settings. Now let's say I still have the factory default login something like "admin", "...
AskedSuperior's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How do I remember passwords for environments where Password Manager is not available?

I am a big fan of 1Password. And I try to save my passwords in 1Password as much as possible. However, there are environments where 1Password cannot be used. That is the password to protect 1Password ...
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0 votes
4 answers

Is it safe for my password hint to be synonymous to my password?

Lets say my password is AppleDogFire642!. What would be the potential security consequences if my password hint was BananaCatSmoke123@?
Evorlor's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Asymmetric encryption of user's data

I got to thinking this morning over my coffee, that it would be nice if I could encrypt data for a Tenant with one key, and decrypt it with another key. In such a way that only a logged in User can ...
Eloff's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Wi-Fi with guest network

I use an old AirPort Extreme to provide WiFi in my home. It provides a 2.4 and 5.0 GHz network with a good password, only available to me and my wife. It also provides a separate guest network without ...
gnasher729's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Can an email address be added to "Forward To" list in cPanel without accessing the cPanel?

My company is using cPanel emails, recently while reviewing email forwarders, I noticed an email in the "Forward To" list that our sales email is being forwarded to it and that was unknow to ...
Roy_DXB's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it secure to expose a salted bcrypt hash IF it is maximum length random secure password?

Is it secure to expose a salted bcrypt hash (minimum 14 cost) if the used password is 72 characters (maximum) byte long, randomly generated letters, numbers, and special characters using secure ...
DonEr's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Unknown Hash Type [closed]

During a CTF, I came across a certain hash type which can't be identified by various tools (hashID, crackstation,, etc.) The data is as so: - Plaintext : abc123 - Hash : ...
pythen's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Web app architecture- set a new password for a on-premises AD setup

I need to implement a web app for a self-service change password use case for on-premise Active Directory users, which is accessible over the internet. The service must allow the users to set a new ...
frhack's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Is a sufficiently long password unsafe just because it only consists of 2-3 letter long mixed-case dictionary words and numbers?

Entropy/Length/Complexity of a password is pretty straight forward and cant really vary much. For Dictionary Similarity, i would assume that a software just checks how many characters in a password ...
Flying Thunder's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

BLAKE-3 vs SHA-256 security

As we can see on this page, BLAKE-3 is about 14 times faster than SHA-256. Is it as safe as SHA-256? I would like to use it for my passwords which are 32 cryptographically random bytes, because my API ...
Szyszka947's user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

What is the best way to calculate true password entropy for human created passwords?

Okay, I know it might seem this has already been beaten to death but, hear me out. I am including a fairly good password strength algorithm for my app for users on sign-up. This one, which I've copied ...
RobbB's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

SHA256 for hashing 32 cryptographicaly random bytes

I need to hash 32 cryptographically random bytes, but later the verification the value with hash must be very fast, so I decided to use SHA256. Is it a security issue if my passwords are 32 ...
Szyszka947's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

Should one reject login attempts when the correct password is newly added to a password deny list?

Best practices say that when users choose a password (at signup or when changing an existing password), the application should reject that password if it appears on a list of passwords known to be ...
Jens Bannmann's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Amnesia and death proof master password

I have been thinking about how to store my master passwords (password manager, email and device passwords) for quite a while and I just haven't been able to come up with a satisfying solution yet. I ...
Americat's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Should password strength validation also be run server-side or only client-side?

Personally, I think that it's not so important to check the strength of the passwords on server-side, since, if the user evades the validation on the client side, it would be their responsibility to ...
RobotoSkunk's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

KDF vs hash function in loop for hashing password

I'm trying to grasp which benefit can KDF like PBKDF2, scrypt and bcrypt (I know that bcrypt is technically not KDF) may bring over hashing in loop like sha256sum(sha256sum(sha256sum.....(salt + ...
Ghost Rider's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why PAKE or Zero-knowledge password proof didn't replace sending a password via HTTPS

Technologies like Zero-knowledge password proof and PAKE seems to be pretty mature but almost all modern web-sites still send passwords over HTTPS to check authentication. At first glance, this ...
Ghost Rider's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Does Google share it's international database of search queries with LEA agencies for purposes of breaking encryption?

So, suppose a person accidentally typed their complex encryption password into Google search. They weren't logged in to any Google services so the search was anonymous, and they continued to use this ...
Valeriano's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why banks require such a low password entropy for web/app access?

Many banks I have worked with require between 4-6 characters passwords. Some even force to use only digits. Such a poor password is protecting your financial information, because MFA is usually not ...
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1 vote
3 answers

Why don't applications suggest passwords themselves?

Imagine a web app that, on the login page, has a password field which does not allow user input, but just displays a client-only generated password that is reasonably strong, with a button to re-...
prmph's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Burp Suite: alphanumeric payload decoded to base64 exposes password, but as an encoded string

I'm learning Web Pentesting using Juice Shop and I successfully used Burp Suite to generate an SQL injection payload in the repeater that exposed the plain text email and encoded password of the admin....
razimbres's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Offline One Time Password algorithm

Sometimes when we login in some services we should enter One Time Password or OTP that can be received via SMS, e-mail or a voice call. Among these options, there are some mobile apps that can ...
DooDoo's user avatar
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2 answers

Autogenerated PINs

PINs secured by TPM or similar hardware are secure even if short and only numeric because the TPM can throttle and lock after several attempts. I'm concerned about PIN reuse. I suspect most people are ...
Bruno Martinez's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Why did WebAuthn beat PAKEs as the preferred password replacement?

Apple and now Google are releasing products that are built on WebAuthn as a replacement for traditional username + passwords. Why did this technology beat out PAKEs?
Prime's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is the Web Crypto API secure when the server is trusted?

I've heard a lot of people say that the Web Crypto API is not very safe. For example:, Problems with in Browser Crypto. However, I'm looking to use ...
asdf3.14159's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Why would websites ask users to reauthenticate after a password change?

I was discussing with a non-IT friend after he came to me with a question regarding security and password change. As he puts it: "Why do websites ask me to re-authenticate after a password change?...
Yuriko's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Using Single Sign-On and the usage of password managers is discouraged. Whay are alternatives for storing tokens for example?

What are the alternatives of storing tokens when password managers are discouraged? Some of the ideas that come to my mind are storing in a text file and encrypting with GnuPG but that's asks for ...
Bor's user avatar
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0 answers

Why is not there encrypted way of sharing/showing data such as Password to the user (hidden from web app Source code)?

I wonder if there will be (or is) a way to hide data such as passwords from the HTML/DOM structure? As, password fields can hide from external person other than the main user with something like "...
BirukTes's user avatar
32 votes
3 answers

Why are PIN codes usually of even length (4 or 6)?

A huge problem is PIN guessing from birthdays (dd/mm/yy lends to a 6 digit number that is easily guessed, dd/mm/yyyy for 8 digits). It's very often that a PIN number is taken from someone's birthday ...
jonvyltra's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

On the gains and losses of an additional client side stretching of the user password [duplicate]

Picture a state of the art implementation of a website registration and login system. I'm interested in analyzing what a defender gains and loses by feeding the user password to a key-stretching KDF ...
Margaret Bloom's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Reuse credentials if same data in same security environment

We're managing a shared hosting environment of Wordpress websites on a web server. Each site has its own database password and FTP password, both are randomly generated and stored in AWS ...
jdog's user avatar
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2 answers

How does /dev/random not leak future bytes from old ones

I want to generate 6 random words using Wiktionary and random numbers from /dev/random. I'll get a random number with /dev/random and then use the word from that index. I know /dev/random should be ...
Xephobia's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Can OTPs substitute password? [duplicate]

One-time passwords (OTPs) usually serve as the 2nd factor in a 2FA scheme. But, in isolation, I believe they are more secure than passwords, since they are ephemeral and passwords are still badly ...
sourcream's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Does having the hash make it easier to crack the password than not having the hash? [duplicate]

For example, a password hash is: edgjcgo4866864rfhobd38790g764hkp Does having the hash of the password make it easier for the attacker to crack the password than not having the hash? If yes, why does ...
programmer777's user avatar
25 votes
6 answers

Is a sha256 hash of a unix timestamp a strong password

I am setting up a postgres db that will never be used by humans. In fact, I really don't need to know it myself ever. I assumed that just using a 256bit(64 alphanumeric chars) hash of a unix timestamp ...
ThisGuyCantEven's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why is it not possible to override password hashes

I know that a password is stored as a hash, because then it is not possible to get the password even if you have access to the password database/file/... But if you have access, couldn't you just ...
theboringkid's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Cryptographic hash functions and personal password management [duplicate]

Background: I've always reused same username/password on all websites and got hacked regularly. I am considering using a password manager, but I don't like the need of storing a database. So I came up ...
Phastasm's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it unsecure to use only a passphrase in luks for whole system partition encryption?

When I use only a passphrase in LUKS for my whole system partition encryption, so I need to insert a password to decrypt my system partition to boot up my OS, is this unsecure and can it be cracked ...
Z0OM's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

PAT vs. SSH - Why Bother with SSH?

Are there any advantages to using SSH keys vs. a PAT when interacting with a site like Github? Github claims SSH keys are a way to not have to enter your username + password (personal access token) ...
stk1234's user avatar
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0 answers

Best practices for storing passwords for PHP and MySQL applications [duplicate]

I am creating a simplified lead and call management system for a friend's small business. I would like to know the best practices for hardening password storage and verification using PHP 7.4 and ...
huyang888's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Storing password in config file - best practice

I am configuring an application server hosted on EC2 instance to send e-mail notifications. This requires configuring SMTP settings and storing them, including password, in a config file: gitlab_rails[...
Seb_'s user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Displaying a user's password in plaintext on login pages. Why is this practice becoming more widespread? [duplicate]

Over the years I've noticed that more and more login pages implement an eye icon next to the password field, that on click toggles between hidden and plaintext view of the password typed in that field....
IDDQD's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What will happen if I accept this "Change your search setting to:"?

When I want to install Ultrasurf extension it gives me this message: So I do not understand what this "Change your search setting to:" wants to do. When I go to this ...
dsd's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Fastest way to brute force SSH

I'm doing a CTF on vulnhub and I need to brute force SSH. I've got 6 usernames and 15.000.000 passwords to try so I'm brute-forcing with hydra by running hydra -L users.txt -P $LIST/rockyou.txt -t 64 -...
RobotPwn3r's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is a very long and random password theoretically immune to password cracking?

Suppose a password’s stored hash is exposed in a theoretical mass security breach of a popular service given the following assumptions: The password is very long (30+ characters) The password uses a ...
Security student's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Make certificate and private key available only to a single app

I want to make a smart card reader app, that sends read data to a server. In order to be certain in the integrity of the data, I want to use a client certificate to communicate with the server and I ...
Savo Pejović's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How are the values of stored firefox credit cards encrypted? And how does one decrypt those?

While researching about the safety of web browsers I made my own program that can decrypt stored credentials, cookies, and other information of different browsers to see for myself how easy it is. ...
Void's user avatar
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