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Questions tagged [quantum-computing]

refers to hardware and software of quantum computers, and what their capabilities will be. For protecting your data against a quantum attacker, see [post-quantum].

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Detecting “Harvest Now, Decrypt Later” Attacks Using AI/ML Models

I’m researching strategies to detect the “Harvest Now, Decrypt Later” attack, also known as “store now, decrypt later” or “retrospective decryption.” This surveillance approach involves acquiring and ...
Mallikarjunarao Kosuri's user avatar
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Monitoring QKD system with EDR Wazuh

I’m trying to do my thesis project about the possibility to prevent attacks against QKD devices, using an EDR like Wazuh. The problem is that most attacks are prevented through physical methods ...
user13105993's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Could Quantum Computers Quickly Crack Ransomware Encryption?

I've heard that quantum computers may soon be powerful enough to crack standard encryption. If this is true, could we potentially harness them to end ransomware? Instead of paying the ransom or coming ...
Blue Herring's user avatar
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Will the public-key cryptosystem change in a post-quantum state?

I would like to preface this with the information that I am clearly not well versed in crypto, so my understand so far may not be accurate. CISA recently published an advisory Preparing Critical ...
cutrightjm's user avatar
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3 answers

Why are we using RSA although it will be cracked by quantum computers?

Why do we still use RSA 2048 when we know that quantum computers can crack RSA as fast as classical computers can create the key? Providers, governments, APTs, etc. can sniff all the traffic and as ...
NikolaTesla's user avatar
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How likely is it that publicly available data will be decrypted in the future? [duplicate]

As we already know, with the rising power of machines and new technologies like quantum computers today's methods of encryption might be much faster to crack in the future. With locally saved data you ...
BooleanAssange's user avatar
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Password cracking using Quantum Computers

Suppose that I have a password that is n-digits long. Each digit can take m values. So the number of permutations will be m^n. I wanted to know how much time it would take a quantum computer to crack ...
sato's user avatar
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When could 256 bit encryption be brute forced?

Assuming quantum computing continues to improve and continues to perform like this: ... quantum computer completes 2.5-billion-year task in minutes is it reasonable to expect that 256 bit encryption ...
stevec's user avatar
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Doesn't Hashing Negate Quantum Computer Cracking?

I've read/watched a lot about Quantum Computers, trying to really get into the physics of it. Seems like the topic is poorly explained. I do understand that it takes a lot of qbits to beat modern ...
Karric's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Fuzzing with a Quantum computer? [closed]

Are there any projects, solutions, ideas where it is possible to fuzz a software: using quantum computers, quantum programming?
niving6473's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

What SSH keys should I generate with ssh-keygen to be safe in a quantum computer based world?

What SSH keys should I generate with ssh-keygen to be safe in a quantum computer based world?
niving6473's user avatar
4 votes
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What happens to PKI once quantum computers can break encryption?

They say that public key infrastructure or PKI uses very complex encryption. What if that encryption breaks one day when quantum computers complete? What if they decrypt all private messages and data? ...
Hefaz's user avatar
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Size of a secure random number taking into account quantum computing and size of universe

Most random secure numbers are 256 to 512 bits. But given the size of the universe and eventually quantum computing, I am wondering what is a better sized randomly generated number, taking into ...
Lance Pollard's user avatar
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How long until quantum computers are able to decrypt RSA using Shor's algorithm? [closed]

Based on this question: How many qubits are needed to factor 2048-bit RSA keys on a quantum computer? It's going to take 20-30 years for quantum computers to reach that state but some people are ...
Richard Jones's user avatar
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What can you do with a sufficiently complex quantum computer against Elliptic Curve Cryptography?

I've heard that a modified version of Shor's algorithm can "break" ECC. But what does this mean specifically? What are all the things you can do with this algorithm? Can you: decrypt messages ...
B T's user avatar
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How can we estimate the time and computing resources needed to break or crack an encryption algorithm and/or password?

I am not too familiar with the technical jargon, so bear with me while I explain the issue in simple and naive words. I have looked into many places but still haven't found a solution to this specific ...
Neli's user avatar
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Quantum-secure alternatives in SSL

Are there any quantum computing-secure open key exchange algorithms already implemented in SSL/TLS which I could use on my web server? As far as I know all the available-options like RSA, DH, elliptic ...
Nikolai's user avatar
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Quantum Computer Advantage in SSH Login

I understand that quantum computers are many orders of magnitude faster than today's binary computer and that this is expected to enable decryption that was unlikely (it would take too long) with ...
gatorback's user avatar
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What is a quantum computing attack?

As far as i know, a quantum attack is a brute force attack performed by a quantum computer. source: wiki Is this very simple definition correct ? or the scope of a quantum computing attack is bigger....
Baptiste's user avatar
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Will Quantum computing render passwords obsolete? [duplicate]

With so much raw computing power under hood, we are talking minutes to break even 50 characters passwords with bruteforce attacks in few decades. And two way authentication will probably be a lot ...
The Law's user avatar
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Can I render public-key cryptography quantum resistant if I treat even the public keys as secret?

Here is the situation - RSA/ECC is not quantum resistant, because a quantum computer feasibly calculate the private key based on the knowledge of the public key (because the quantum computers tackle ...
Ivo's user avatar
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Will quantum computing destroy all our present encryption? [duplicate]

I'm just wondering, because it seems like it would. Cryptography as a field may have to start all over from the beginning.
user628544's user avatar
5 votes
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How safe is this "Multidimensional-Encryption method" (includes xAES, familiar from

I would like to ask about this encryption method that I found: USPTO patent and it is related to this question here: A service that claims beyond army level encryption and encryption claims ...
Alyssa Skogs's user avatar
93 votes
4 answers

Will quantum computers render AES obsolete?

This is a spin off from: Use multiple computers for faster brute force Here's at least one source which says that quantum computers are on the way to being able to break RSA in the not too distant ...
BuvinJ's user avatar
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For which time-frame should we assume quantum computers? [closed]

It is generally known that we choose our key-lengths, so they are unbreakable in a specific time frame. For example we choose 112 bit keys (=2048-bit RSA) to protect data for the next few years and we ...
SEJPM's user avatar
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How many qubits are needed to factor 2048-bit RSA keys on a quantum computer?

I've been reading about quantum computing and turns out that 512-bit quantum processors are already a thing. I also read about Shor's algorithm, which can break RSA and several asymmetric encryption ...
Nacib Neme's user avatar
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Calculating D-Wave's integer factorization capabilties

D-Wave has teased the ability to perform integer factorization previously, but if you jump to ~10:00 in this presentation they actually appear to outline how they can perform integer factorization ...
Indolering's user avatar
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Proof of quantum safety of the Merkle signature scheme

The Wikipedia article about the Merkle signature scheme claims that it is very adjustable and resistant against quantum computing. What proof is there of this?
user2443423's user avatar